This looks insane. Article: Hands On: Rock Band 3 Adds Keyboards, Realistic Pro Mode | GameLife | Vid: Gamelife - Widescreen
I shall play mostly por mode on guitar, maybe I'll learn a few licks. Also, 7 people sounds insane, I can finally play with more people that aren't beatles fanatics.
I can't wait to try the keyboard, since I actually play piano and can't play bass or guitar anymore. Although I wish they could have somehow made it a 3 octave keyboard for some two handed playing but oh well, maybe in the next installment. The songs aren't too too bad either so I'm not disappointed by any means. This might be the first Rock Band I actually own.
Do all of the peripherals work for every song, because every song in the game can't possibly have a keyboard part, right?
Thats what i was thinking too. It would just be lame to fill in random piano parts when there aren't really any in the song. :/
Im guessing pretty much all of the songs in it have keyboard parts, but some may be very small. Possibly to play certian sounds that dont fall under any of the main instruments. The DLC may have some with none, the DLC song "Polly" by Nirvana has you hit the drums 4 times in the entire song.
honestly, the real guitar thing really just blows my mind. i used to joke about that with my friends, but to see they actually did it, its crazy.
Seriously WTF! 3 games now and the only 3 good songs are Hey John, Whats Your Name Again?, I Didnt Say I Was Powerful I Said I Was A Wizard, and Reinventing Your Exit, all of which are DLC...I am rather dissapoint. They need more Underoath, Dance Gavin Dance, The Devil Wears Prada, Chiodos, Thursday, I See Stars, and maybe even some Bring Me The Horizon. As of right now us Metal/Metalcore/Whatever the fuk u want to call it lovers have had next to nothing for the past 3 games...I shall rage.
Thursday isnt metal and I dont even consider anything to be under a genre, but people will understand what I am saying better if i do, and what do you have against lime green anyway?
Ok bear in mind I'm a huge metal/metalcore/post-hardcore fan myself and I flat out love the old Dance Gavin Dance, TDWP, and Underoath, but the fact of the matter is that metalcore and post-hardcore are really acquired tastes when it comes to music and still rather underground in the music industry. That being said, they wanna appeal to as many paying customers as possible. So what do they do? Put the more mainstream rock in first, and add bands that you posted later on to make some extra money.
Doesnt change the fact that its been 3 games and we still have nothing decent that isnt DLC, and even the DLC could have been better! I mean really? Hey John is just ok, I want sum Dogs can grow beards all over! I also forgot to mention that its stupid that all the screams can just be talked/sung if you really wanted to, i hope they fix that this time around if they even bother with anything thats good.