Download Rocket Relay Download Rocket Relay Gametype This is a game for 4 players. 2 vs 2. 2 players start in 2 boxes at one end with grenade launchers. The other team starts at the other end with the bomb and some mongooses. Gravity is an issue so you cant jump high. You also move slower than a turtle. So point being you HAVE to use the mongoose. There is a ramp and a jump you have to get to , and by the way you only have two minutes to get over the ramp and plant the bomb. 5 rounds, teams trade off.
Sorry, but the pics dont do it justice. Everything is there to get in your way as you try to get the mongoose and bomb to its point. With the rocket launchers it makes it very diffucult.Then on top of that there is atime limit. Stuff is there for a reason.
sorry. I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just saying that it looks a little sloppy and messy. One way you could make it look better is interlock that pile of bridges in pic 3.
This doesn't look like a map, its just like a deathpit of explosive items but i wont say anything till i've tried it out
Even if you are not thrilled with the map, tell me if you like the concept and gametype. Thanks for the input, good or bad.
okay the concept of the map is very good but no offense i think your attempt isn't that good. you could have done a better job on the map itself
I agree with others. looks like you had an idea, made the basic layout and then just threw heaps of other stuff around, then placed fusion coils around the crap you threw