For those who have no idea what the title means, iOS 4 is the new iPhone OS. A beta called the Golden Masters edition was recently released. I downloaded and installed the beta on my phone and was quite dissapointed with what I got. Pros: - Home screen is extremely smooth and app loading times are amazingly quick - Folders are pretty awesome - The new dock is now more like the mac dock and is pretty shmexy - Mail app is now pretty awesome - Revamped spell check which now doesnt auto correct straight away but rathers gives you multiple options as to what you were trying to type - Digital zoom now on the camera app Cons: - No video camera yet?! - No home screen background (they gave us lies) - Lock screen is now SUPER laggy - Not as much new stuff as I expected/read on the site - WHERE IS THE iBOOKS APP!!!?! Lets put this into context a bit. My iPhone is only the 3G 8gb model and it was previously jailbroken. I restored from a previous backup which may or may not have deleted some new features. The iTunes that is required to install and use the iPhone OS 4.0 is also a beta. Lets hope the version released comes with all the features that are promised. Discuss...
How do you install it? just go to update and update your iphone? I wanna try it so badly. I have 32gb 3GS
This version is only available to developers as a beta. The release date for everyone is 21st of June.
I have a jailbroken OS3, will this affect installation of OS4? Although I've heard it's not coming to first gen iTouches, do you know if this is true?
i'm assuming this is being rolled out as a precursor to iPhone 4 which is coming out soonish. TBH, the new iPhone looks like a step backwards in design... but i'm sure the new OS will run like a smooth little ***** on it.
@Camel Carcass. iOS 4 is not coming to first gen iPods or iPhones as its not compatible. If you want to update its probably better to delete all your jailbroken apps, restore to original settings then update. I had to 'start as new phone' once because SBSettings had permanently removed the camera app after a restore/update. @TexturedSun. I think its a step forward in design as it makes the iPhone look much more professional and sharp than the previous models. The new design is also a lot more durably so you can actually drop your phone without it exploding into many, unfixable bits.
I guess, but to me it just looks like any other mopbile phone ... HD Vid recording though (supposedly) .... can't see the sound being very good.
Yeah probably not. The only way you can make sound recording sound good on the iPhone is if your close to the microphone.
Oh well, doesn't sound worth resetting the whole thing. I'm happy with what I've got, with no need to change.
Yes but if you read this it really does sound inviting. You wont need to reset your whole thing unless you have jailbroken your iPhone/iPod. You can update and use the last backup you did so you can have all your data as well as the new OS.
I've had the beta for months, not the gold version obviously, I've had to suffer through bugs and crashes. I'm running it with a 3GS WITH a homescreen background and video camera (which I've had since the last version before 4). The book app comes later. iPhone 3G has no video camera, it runs on a slower processor, and I'm not sure why you have no homescreen background... If you are wondering why I've had it for so long, I'm a developer.