Prologue: Before you flame me saying this this idea for a map has been done before bullshit, please put this to mind. The map was made not knowing many people have attempted a Mexican border map. This map uses a glitch not many people know about nor use. Well I couldn't think of a number 3 but I thought it would look nice. Download Mexican Border Here Alright this is a map called Mexican Border the goal of the game is pretty straight forward, the Mexicans try to cross the border and the Border Patrol tries to stop them. Except where most border maps failed my map has a unique way for the "Mexicans" to cross the border. They run up a ramp into a wall and will see a message on they're screen to drive a mongoose. Get in it and you will glitch through the wall and get through like most who cross the border. But then once your though the fence you have to jump off the fence and run across the field and kill the border patrol. Then get the bomb guy to plant the bomb in the border patrol bunker. This map looks very simple which it is but it's a very fun laid back game to play with your friends. Mexican Side Bubble Shield x1 Regenerator x1 Rocket Launcher x1 Firebomb grenades x2 Border Patrol Battle Rifle x8 Sniper Rifle x2 Turret x1 The more people you play with, the better the game plays and the more fun. It's best if played with the following settings One bomb Bomb carrier 75% gravity & 150% speed, 2x overshield Bomb arm time instant Start with pistols No Secondary weapon No shields Border Crossing System Closeup Mexican Side The Border Border Patrol Overview Border Patrol Bunker Final Words: This is a simple map design that's hell of a lot of fun to play with a large or 4v4 party that can actually be a fun screw around game or get very tactical. Your Choice. Comments and Feedback are much appreciated only if you've played the map. Tips Mexicans -The mongoose way isn't the only way over if you think smart. -Don't abuse the bomb guys abilities. -Think tactical. Border Patrol -There is a secret way over the the Mexicans side. -The turret is your bestfriend. -Grenades can go in places your guns can't.
The mongoose/wall trick isn't unknown, heaps of people know about it. The reason you don't see it in maps is because, its not that great of a trick. But props for using something different in yours. 3 questions: Did you test Did you Interlock.. and How much
i too find this thread a bit racist but thats my opinion. btw ivory he did interlock in the border only. it also looks a bit empty
Alright let's get some things cleared up. -I am half mexican (well my mother is) I get jokes about this from my friends all the time so I thought I'de make a map to mess with them. -The download link is up at the top where it should be it says "Mexican Border" Bolded. I'll put something there to help you guys out. -I know many people know about it but outside of forgehub not many people even know about floating objects glitch. -It's empty to resemble the desert. Are there and tree's or barriers in the desert. -And Monkeypoo if you like those things try out a band called Airbourne they're like AC/DC with energy levels off the charts.
the idea with the mongoose is used all the time even outside of forgehub. Its even the first obstacle on my obstacle course.. lol. Due to two unorginal ideas coming together i dont think it makes a new more orginal one. Also i believe border patrol 2 is much better.
Insanity give me me link to ten maps that use this glitch for ACTUAL gameplay you know maps that you actually fight on. If you can't do that then your lying through your teeth.
Apparently even if we build a Fortress America, much like Fortress Europe in WW2, the illegal immigrants will begin assaulting our walls and bunkers with bombs. We can't win.
Lol hell yah! It's pretty fun and there's an egg on the border patrol side but only the keen eye will see it.