(Working title) (Get it? lulz @ working title) ..Yes, this is another BTB main level map. But fear not, I also have a crypt map in the works that no one has seen, and an idea for a skybubble map... And yes, this picture is meant to be annoying. I'll add more (probably annoying in their own way) photos with time.
Damn, I wish I could read spanish- Im glad you pointed out the sand, I wasnt quite sure what that stuff surrounding the awesomeness was.
yeh thats not spanish... its standard placeholder text designed to look like actual words. It is no language. anyway, weak preview is weak. this shows us nothing, man.
I have no idea what I'm looking at but I think I like it? As soon as I get my Xbox all fixed up (which might be a while, I'm red ringin' like a motherfucker) I wanna see more of this and catch up on everything else you've been working on, Nox.
You wanna talk about weak previews... This map looks interesting. I think I have an idea of gameplay, from the weaving narrow paths, but I'll reserve my judgment on that, since that might be changed. A lot of parts seem open enough for vehicles, too.
Don't worry, the preview will get better, I'm just being lazy and not uploading any more photos at the moment.
it sorta looks like latin, if you've never taken latin. Lorem Ipsum is placeholder text that is not a language.
I don't think you understand the concept of a preview. pre·view [pree-vyoo] anything that gives an advance idea or impression of something to come. Also known as knowing something more about the subject than you did before. I wanted people to know the name and a bit of the map without completely spoiling it, while doing something original. I stand behind my awesome preview, especially when I actually have a good reason for creating a thread. I like this map preview. It looks like it took a lot of fun to make, and it definitely made me chuckle. Maybe you could get a different angle? Still, nice map. Those catwalks on the other side look pretty good, but one question. What are those columns for at the bottom? As a walkway?
lolololololololololololol best preview ever. I love seeing people do that stuff whats your idea for the skybubble? Is it something omg epic, or just totally BA?
Do i sense an fight brewing in the shadows....?....?....? But good preview...comical, yet it has some good content. And is is actually a good preview, excited to see more. Oh and thank you for clarifying that annoying tan stuff on SANDbox....i could never figure out what it was, but it always got in my shoes. So i thank you for that sir.
Oh wow, I forgot about this thread. I suppose I could post another picture, (this has been playable for a while.) I'm just not satisfied with it and I don't know where to go with it at the moment.
Noxiw, your really need to work on your map design. That floating column has such an unfair advantage. Spoiler Just Kidding. It looks pretty cool. The pic was annoying, but that structure is another beauty of yours and I want to play on it. If I can remember exactly what your maps are, I think you sort of have your own style of architecture.
Nice one mousse So does everyone else while we are on the topic lol. @Noxiw; what is it about the gameplay that isnt working? Is it bad, boring, or just not satisfying? Cus two of those can be fixed.