Me and my friend have created a GB team, and we currently have an A team and a B team, consisting of 12 people, including editors and footage recorders, which adds up to a 15 person team. Some people that belong to this site have been tryed out and interviewed, including Meltyourtv and Master Debates, and have made the team. Now that Im done talking about our GB team, I would like to ask if you GFXers would help make a Team logo for us, you will recieve credit on our GB page, Hotmail link and our group youtube page. Team Name: StaTic Gaming. You can make whatever you want, it can be an abbreviated logo, like this: Or It can be something completely different, be creative, or dont be, just make it Sexy. Feel free to ask me questions about whatever. kthx
Lawl. Make up your mind ninja! I might try this is my software stops being retarded like it has recently, but dont count on anything from me just yet...
Epic win on the font, but i think needs more color (blood splatters ftw, its what i was doing and it would look more badass on yours than mine, just a suggestion.)
Looks pretty good ben, try some colors. No blood splatters please. *glares at yoyo* <3 Try making a square one. And now that I think about it, try making an abbreviation logo like this: then you can put the text: Underneath it. Liek the optic gaming text underneath the logo. Do you see what Im getting at? Just think like your making a youtube logo.
Most people done realize how much blood splatters fail o.0 Anyway, my software hates me so i cant do nuthin. Sorry Roflninja!