I lied. It is with immense pride that I present the following video to you folk. After nearly a year of its absence from the Youtubes, it has been recreated in all of its former glory. Behold the strangest render-machinima you have ever seen or will ever see. YouTube - Spartan Exposé Interested in the backstory behind this video's creation? It's only a spoiler away. Spoiler So, my friend JBSpudster and I run a custom content group on Bungie.net called "The Cutting Edge." People post their Halo screenshots, maps, films, and gametypes to our forum, and we post comments and the like, give assistance, etc. As a matter of process, every now and then JBSpudster and I (being fairly experienced Forgers) download a smattering of our community's maps and review them to give the creators helpful feedback. During the course of our review session, we stumbled upon a lovely little gem called Respiration. At first glance, this map appeared to be totally normal - just your typical dual-level Skybubble map. But boy, were we in for a treat. When JBSpudster ventured into the basement, he beheld a most wonderful sight: a ****ing pole in the very middle of the room. Nothing fancy, just a pole. Turns out that the grassy platform above (upon which sat the sword) was made from a Tin Cup, and the flag was hidden slightly below the floor of the bottom room. Not only that, but the basement's floor showcased some of the most intensely horrific z-fighting either of us had ever seen. Plus, it was dark down there. Creepy dark. Sleazy dark... It was only a matter of minutes until JBSpudster was doing his thang and grinding all up on that pole, much to my delight. It was quite late at night, mind you. And, as with all great ideas, we had an inspiration: why not make a machinima about the exploits of a stripper in this sleazy wannabe cabaret? So we did exactly that. Deleting most of the rest of the map in favor of accessorizing the area, we added a fancy catwalk of stone bridges, placed Spike Grenade "bottles" along the side walls of the room, and most importantly - rigged a set of four lights in each corner of the room to spawn into the game after twenty seconds. The rest is sweet filmmaking history - we set up a start spawn on the other end of the catwalk for JBSpudster, and I started with our guests in the lobby area, anxiously awaiting our stripper's entrance. I then proceeded to shoot a plasma pistol repeatedly at the stripper's feet to represent money throwing. Yes, it got ridiculous. After acting the whole scene out, I rendered it on Bungie.net and JBSpudster did his editing thing and added the music and sound effects you see today. Unfortunately, the original video was deleted due to rating trolls, so it's only now that it has been remade in all of its original glory. It's a shame, really - the original Youtube video got onto the Bungie blog last summer. Well, I hope you enjoyed our cool story, bros. There's much more to this video than simple "hurr durr stripurr LOL" at work. We were making fun of someone!
Should've faded out and ended at 00:35. It would then be a great video, it was dragged out for such small humour and I absolutely hate that second song.
hmmm. It would actually be a good idea to create guns that shoot money at strippers to make watching pole dancers even more entertaining.
Hey, I find that your use of brown armoured spartans visiting a strip club is rather offensive! But seriously, I lol'd, at first, but the video went on for too long.
We didn't intend to be racist in any way. XD As soon as it was Bungie blogged, we got all kinds of hate mail about our unintentional "racism." Hahahaha. I really don't remember why we even used brown in the first place.