Furiously Fast

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Rantick, Jun 10, 2010.

  1. Rantick

    Rantick Forerunner

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    Map Title: Furiously Fast
    This is basicaly my first map with interlocking, and I would just like some feedback :) also, if I posted this wrong could you just tell me?

    download link:-
    Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details

    So this is a racetrack that started with a couple of blocks I threw together, and I thought it looked cool. I started doing some interlocking, using advice from a friend who is a pro, maybe not here but in my eyes, he has always been my better :) anyways, It has a couple of jumps, and here are some pics of it.

    here is the over/underview of the race

    here is the start of the race

    that is me falling prey to one of the traps

    and this is me getting to the end at last
  2. anemone

    anemone Ancient

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    its an alrite map but a little simple i think the reason no-one is commenting is because it has no merging and no cool rotations of track.but i think its a nce little track.and the jumps are amazing.ill download it as soon as i can
  3. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well The post looks great, congrats on that and congrats on the interlocking. I assume it is on the first ramp? (which looks a little badly angled, you may wish to straighten it up for a clean exit)

    Improvements would be:
    Making a circuit, with a lap system. This means people wont drive for 30 seconds then have to quit/end round. Also laps mean interesting game play where people can race from the back after a crash to try and win.

    Perhaps show off some more interlocking/ghost merging by having banked turns and straights (check out other tracks for ideas here) or perhaps some more jumps on the way round to the start again? Both would make a fine second half to the track.

    And finally, the current 90 degree turns are ok, but to give it a better feel (look and gameplay wise) round off the inside and outside (longer bends in places, and some short, which would only require about 2 walls at an angle merged in together).

    If you'd like any help on these improvements (on on future maps) send me an invite and i'd love to show you some tricks (my GT: The Moran
    #3 The Moran, Jun 10, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2010
  4. Roland

    Roland Forerunner

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    Its more of an obstacle course rather a race track.
  5. Rantick

    Rantick Forerunner

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    thanks everyone :D And Moran, I will be sure to add you. Probz cant play til monday tho :/

    and that first ramp was hard to make, I couldnt find a way of making the ramp turn at a more... average angle :/
    #5 Rantick, Jun 10, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2010
  6. bunnyfromhell

    bunnyfromhell Forerunner

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    Pretty cool track man, but I dont think that the name suits the track very well. It wasnt very fast, although I did like the part with the half walls. They provided a great cahllenge. Also, I think it was a bit short. You should definately make this track longer. Awesome job!

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