Nice Chris that canvas is genius I had know idea it worked this easily. I'll be using it from now on.
I wouldn't mind seeing a few Gears remakes in there. I think Gridlock and Mansion would be pretty cool to see in Halo. Or my all time favorite, Rooftops, but that's pushing it. Maybe I'll try my hand at one of those to get back in the forging swing of things.
I'll try almost done with the base structures and what not, saving the roof for last just in case I run out of stuff
I doing Afghan from MW2. I'm gonna have to go way outside the box to build it, especially for the plane. But I think I can pull it off.
I'm already almost done with my afghan remake it is still in testing i guess you will have some competition >
There's going to be a lot of competition. It's a fight to the death FFA for a comfy beany-bag chair. BRING IT ON!!!!!!
I am done with my Afghan remake... I'll be testing it later today... Edit: I guess you'll have some competition as well Jakob...
i guess i will, but i'm also making carnaval and favela and or underpass. And i have you know my plane is super sexy
Needs more Old School remakes. Where are all the Goldeneye and Perfect Dark maps?! I myself plan on doing Facility/Felicity.
I don't think many people have those games I've never even heard of Perfect Dark. Plus most people play Modern Warfare and if you're smart you'll stick to the maps you know best.
Says the kid who started playing Quake Live for this competition lol. But I do agree with 'if you're smart you'll stick to the maps you know best'.
Cuz mai N64 is all old and dusty... Edit: By the way I'm only sticking to making one map. Last time I made five maps and none of them got in the top five. Then again that was Xforgery's bidding...
Well aren't we the pair, both sticking to the same map and keeping that the only entry into the contest. Only difference is your done with everything and I probably won't finish for another week since I'm a perfectionist and it takes me ten minutes just to place one part...