Hey I've just made 2 sigs, they're almost exactly the same but the are different sizes/layouts and I wanted to know what one people thought was better: 1: Or 2: (I don't know why there is a white line around #2) I'd really appreciate peoples' opinion!
I dont like it at all. First of all the quality of the render is really bad and I dont care to much for the font. There is more but those are my 2 main points.
Ya there is bad quality... I don't think there is much to for you to help that though. If you were going for a black and white then use Colors>Colorize>And set the saturation until the signature is black and white. If you were going for gray you over did it.
I do already know how crappy my skills are, I was only asking which one you prefered... I've only just started using Photoshop Elements 8 and I was testing out fog effects on Serif DrawPlus X4. I listened to o1000LioNs' idea and tried a grey version but it doesn't look that good: And you're right, I can't do anything about the reneder quality, that's the highest definition it can be.