
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Bartoge, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    Overcross is another one of my sketchups. I think somebody was going to forge it, but I got bored and whipped it up in a couple of days, so I took their spot. Anyway, it is a small doubles map consisting of mainly two halls. Right now I am testing it for Team Slayer and Multi Flag for the most part. So here are some pictures for you to have a look at.







  2. LD

    LD Ancient
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    Finally a great looking Map again, those are rare lately. Any plans on when you release it?
  3. MousseMooseROCKS

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    Looks pretty good so far. I like when people use tubes in a good way. Does it play well when there are 4 BR's in a 4-player map?
  4. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Just cus it is a small map doesnt ALWAYS mean that four BRs is too many....... I have a feeling that this will become a little annoying lol.

    Anyway, this looks great except for a couple bumps that i see in one of the railings. But really, that isnt a problem at all. I want this to come out soon, because it looks like one of the better ones recently.
  5. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    God, theory sucks. :(
  6. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    //spam, gotta stop doing that Mousse.//
    And yes i know, because a theory is a set of well developed guidlines for how things work. No matter how much it helps you there is still going to be a difference between the people who understand how and when to break the rules, and those who dont. Like Bartoge, who knows that his map probably needs four Battle Rifles to function properly from his testing. But having the theory is a huge step for the newer people who dont understand how something works at all. Its like an elevator that gets them close to greatness.

    NAOW STOP DIZTRACTIN ME 4CHUB I HAZ TO WORK ON MAH MAPZ!!1!1!!!!!!!1!1!!11!!!1!!!!!1
    #6 Jex Yoyo, Jun 8, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2010
  7. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    This looks quite intense and fast-paced. I like the hallway layout because its simple, and effective. There also looks like a fair amount of cover and LOS break-ups. (I absolutely just LOVE when I get killed right off the bat.)

    My only beef is the Brute Shot. I'm sure you have it set up to be long respawn time and low ammo, but if used correctly, it can be quite deadly in a 2v2. Unless you're using the Needler to counter it...
  8. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    Love the design, better than i could do {*sadface*} But it looks a little bumpy in places.
    But i do really enjoy the overshield and camo spawns. they look fantastic.
  9. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    I played it just recently with you so now I have some judgment.

    I didn't like playing it that much, honestly. Many of the battles that took place happened in halls or tubes where your only option of escape was backwards and your only option of attacking was forwards, which doesn't work very well. If there was more flow and maybe some more cover, I think it would play better. As of when I played it, the overshield took a pretty large advantage over the invis. The overshield works great because you can run out in the middle and could take a lot of grenade damage. Because you normally want to be next to your buddy in this map, the invis was of little use. The grenades and shots fired at your teammate would simply hit you and reveal where you are.

    What I do like about this map is the weapon choice. While the sniper rifle is a great weapon to control it is not overpowering due to the BRs. The four BRs are not overpowering because a lot of the map is pretty close-range.

    I think you should try adding some more routes in the map to make the game more interesting. I think you should even try doing 4v4 on this map because it seems like it has a possibility of being more fun that way. I love how this map looks, and how teamwork is crucial, but I think it needs to be more interesting. I hope to see any changes you make if you do make any! :)
  10. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    It looks good, I like how the changes in height aren't too drastic, because that gives the team with the upper ground a HUGE advantage. The lighting looks like it fits well, nice job.
  11. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    As for layout, I can't add anything because I am at budget. I think I have like 40 bucks left. And if I did have enough money I doubt it would be good. (I might add like a cross over thing in the center of the halls, maybe a tube, though. If that happens the overshield will probably occupy that space.) If that doesn't happen, then oh well. I might replace the invis with rockets or power drain or something. As for the foward/backwards thing, I think that is how I got my inspiration from orbital (long hallways keeping fights linear). I will also try 4v4. Thanks for your feedback.
  12. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    About the whole orbital thing, I guess it really boils down to preference of whether you like straight, open hallways. For example, I love the hallway on Orbital that has the most boxes because you can decide whether to move to the boxes on the left or the boxes on the right. I don't like the hallways with the stairs on them because I feel like it's too hard to avoid shots from the other team, especially when their in a group. But some people love grabbing a teammate and ripping through an opponent easily. If you like your halls just as they are, you might not even want to bother reading the next paragraph.

    I think it would be more enjoyable if you added a bit more cover to the map. I know you hit the limit for money, but I think I remember a way around that. When you start up a game, simply spawn whatever object you want and it will let you have it regardless of money. End the game and start the process over again. I know this could take a while, but cover probably shouldn't use up that many objects.

    As for the thing to replace invis, I like your idea for rockets. It would probably be best to limit to only one clip, however.
  13. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It looks very nice, there's a few kinks in the flooring by the looks of things, but i havent played this map.. So i can reaaaallly pick any faults.

    The only feedback I can give you, is that you've made a symmetrical map, but you've given one team an advantage with giving them overshields over camo, they should both be one or the other.

    Take guardian for example, two teams reach both camo and os spawn roughly at the same time, however, elbow spawn will always reach o.s spawn and kill the enemy because they become invincible.. the camo spawn is more accessible from blue, however, they can easily be killed whilst attempting to pick it up, or even when picking it up.
  14. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    I think you should leave it the way it is, because despite what this dude says they dont overpower much, and halfway through most games the spawns invert anyways.

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