Rocket-ball 25G Have a rocket ricochet off your gravity hammer and kill someone in a ranked ffa match Crouching Elephant, Hidden Mongoose 50G Splatter someone with an elephant and a mongoose in the same match. Ranked and social --- idk if you can splatter with an elephant, but that'd be pretty funny --- True Fan Boy (or Girl!) 1000G Complete every achievement on all Xbox360 compatible Halo games. Fraggin' like the Pros 10G Get at least 10 kills with a frag grenade (of course!) in a single MLG Teamslayer match Kings of That Hill. 25G Win a MLG KotH match when the opposing team gained no points.
0_0............... W.... T..... F.... . . . . . . Ultimate Take-down! 10g In a ranked playlist, remove an opponent's shields with a mongoose and finish them off with a headshot. (It would be far more fair than Mongoose Mowdown.)
Yes... but no - 10G In Team SWAT, get a triple kill but get killed by the last guy before you can get the extermination. But... how? - 25G In any ranked or social playlists, get 15 kills in a row without dying, but get killed with one point left to win.
1) Name: All By Myself Gamerscore:50G Description: Beat your opponents by at least 10 kills in a Team Doubles match single handedly. 2) Name: Got Your Back! Gamerscore:50G Description: Get a triple kill by assassinating three opponents.
1.) Name: King of Noobs Gamerscore: 25G Description: Successfully kill 15 opponents without dying using only duel-wieldable weapons in a ranked free for all playlist. 2.) Name: All Skulls Activated Gamerscore: 75G Description: Complete any level in campaign (Excluding Arrival) with all skulls turned on. 3.) Name: Stalker Gamerscore: 15G Description: Kill the same enemy 10 times in a row without dying in a ranked free for all playlist.
1.) Name: Finally Finished Gamerscore : 100G Description: Kill the Same Guy without Killing anybody else in an Rank FFA Playlist 2.) Name: Running and Sniping Gamerscore: 50G Description: Get a Triple Kill Headshot while not Scoping your Sniper and While Running
How about some Reach achievements? It does say 'any game'. 1. Pro Grenade Launcher... Unlike MW2 - 15G Get a killing spree with only the Grenade Launcher (no melee or grenade kills) 2. Imma 5-shot you - 15G Get a triple kill with the DMR. 3. N-n-n-not nooby - 15G Get 10 kills while using the jetpack.
Mt. Confetti 25G Get 30 grunt headshots in one mission in campaign (must have grunt birthday party turned on)
Death From Above 5g Get a Sniper Rifle headshot while in free-fall from a jetpack. Wtf- BOOM 5g Kill 4 people in one plasma launcher shot
I'm going to make a couple achievements for some weapons and other stuff. Sorry if some of them are generic. Plasma Pistol 5G - I'm a Grunt Get a kill with the plasma pistol 10G - I'm a Grunt Ultra Get 10 kills with the plasma pistol 50G - I'm an Uber Grunt Get 100 kills with a plasma pistol Plasma Repeater 5G - Elite Minor Get 5 kills with the plasma repeater 10G - Elite Get 50 kills with the plasma repeater 50G - Elite Major Get 500 kills with the plasma repeater I will add more achievements later because right now I'm low on time.
I posted one before, but thought of more vehicle related ones Hit and Run Driver- Get a splatter spree in matchmaking, using the warthog with no gunner or passenger. (20g) Henry Jones, Senior- Destroy an enemy banshee or hornet in matchmaking without using a spartan laser, rocket launcher, machine gun turret, missle pod or other vehicle (10g) Eye on the Sky- Splatter an enemy banshee or hornet in matchmaking using a ground vehicle. (20g) Easy Lure- On Sandtrap or Sandbox, destory an enemy vehicle with two or more passengers by leading it into the guardian's area (20g) Slow Rolling Death- Get 10 wheelmans in the elephant without dying (10g) EDIT: Butterfingers Lose in an oddball match with your tool of destruction as the oddball (0g)
Mayday, Mayday - 30G Make a comeback to win a game of Team Slayer, when the other team is on 49 points and you team is only on 39 points. Couldn't find me - 25G Win a game of Oddball (team or FFA) with any enemies not scoring once. Can I haz reconz? - 10G Play with an employee of Bungie, someone with Flaming armor or someone with Recon. Gaming with the stars - 10G Play with an employee of Bungie or someone who has this achievement. I'm better than you - 0G Get steaked.
Cooked Goose - 35G Finish Halo on Legendary with 2 players on LIVE, with one person driving a mongoose and the other in the passenger seat.
My epic Reach-chievements Rambo (25g) Get a perfection using only a rocket launcher, splatters, and/or sniper headshots. Band on the Run (50g) Hijack a full warthog with two other players. There's a Scope in my Shovel! (5g) Get a double kill using melee lunges only. Dude, where's my car? (5g) Destroy a mongoose or warthog that was previously used by an enemy in the same spawn. This is SPARTA! (50g) Get 300 melee kills in FFA in one day. Manual (25g) Clutch a game with 2 minutes remaining in a Team Slayer or CTF game. The Force (15g) Stop yourself from dying 7 times in one game using the new armor abilities. M. Shyamalan(Secret) (5g) Create a film and get only 1 star rating in over 7000 views.
MY Reachievements: The loser won.... (10G) In a team slayer game, get the most kills for your team but still lose the match. ...And the winner lost (10G) In a team slayer game, get the least amount of kills on your team but still win the match. Fun with dead bodies (5G) Melee a dead body 100 times before it dissappears You murdered me in my sleep!(10G) Assassinate a person who has been idle for 2 minutes
FACK-0G Choke on an overkill because of a NOOB using armor lock One Man Army - 50G Win a game of Team Slayer by at least 20 points, and be the only person on your team to score.