Foundry Impervious

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Bartoge, Jun 7, 2010.

  1. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Name:

    Map Canvas:

    Map Size:

    Player Count:

    Supported Gametypes:
    King of the Hill, Slayer



    (Click Pictures Above To Download)

    Impervious is a small map taking up about 1/3 of the space offered on the canvas of Foundry. It has been sort of a secret project of mine. I started it a couple weeks ago, just about when school ended for me. I designed it in Google Sketchup first and proceeded to forge it myself, instead of asking someone to forge it for me. After I tested it a couple times I had to tweak the map to make it unescapable. I basically made everything taller, which is always a good thing to do. What I bring you today is mainly a 1v1 map, but it can also play slayer and KOTH. However, spawns work best with 1v1 and are iffy when there are more than 2 people on the map. They aren't atrocious, but I would put no more than 4 people on Impervious at a time.


    BR X4
    SMG X4

    Enough talk, on to the media...

    YouTube - Impervious: A Halo 3 Forged Map





















    Thats that. If you want to know anything else, feel free to ask. And to wrap things up...

  2. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    10 minutes after the post it deserves a comment

    This post caught my eye when i saw the sketchup, cause i like maps like these, small, simple, and clean.

    I cant give you any critism yet, but i'll DL and check it out

    EDIT: Who's the dumbass that reported this as spam? When some kid after me just said "Looks cool thats another download!"
    #2 Korlash, Jun 7, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2010
  3. XeNon

    XeNon Forerunner

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    I am starting to love these small that have become more popular. Me, being an idiot, just went to the pics before reading the description which caused me to have to erase my whole post to not make me look retarded. You already stated, the map spawns only work for 1v1s and ffa's. I think this could get more downloads if you try to expand this for 3v3 at least. I like your ramp design type thing, so maybe keep that flow and possibly expand it and add another level. The multi-level layout has been very popular and I think it would serve this design well.

    EDIT: Also, where did you get your little sketch-up thing?
    #3 XeNon, Jun 8, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2010
  4. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    Objects are low, so no expanding size or anything similar. Besides, I wouldn't do it anyway, because I find that I to make a good flowing map, the ideas going into it have to flow as well. Like if I am going to make something 1v1, I can't add something to just make it larger and support 3v3, since everything I already forged was meant to play like a 1v1 map. I have tried to edit the purposes of my maps, but in the end the thing I wanted first always played the best.

    And if you are refering to my pictures from Google Sketchup (thats the program I used), then I just went file>export>2d graphic. That save the pictures and I uploaded them to photobucket for you all to see.
  5. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Here. Click linky.
    Anyways Bartoge, this needs to be set up for 2v2. Naow. Or else. I see that this map is really small and meant for 2 or 3 players only, but if you made the spawns work for 2v2 it could possibly be one of the most effecient and smallest 2v2 maps that work. Because from looking at it im guessing it should be able to hold 4 people (but no more than four) and you should be good for the floor is large enough. It is a great map though, and plays 1v1 like a dream.
  6. englishlime

    englishlime Ancient
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    I see a great amount of potential in this map as a whole. After running around, the only possible issue I can see is the placement of the teleporter (personally, I don't think the map needs it). If you are on, I would love to test this out with you, GT - vLimeyy.
    I will edit this post with feedback once I do get a few games on it.
  7. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    You may notice that my review is somewhat harsh. I do this because I know you have potential, and I want to see you excel.



    With a mostly concrete design, Impervious promises solid gameplay. Though focusing on a smaller amount of players, Impervious's layout is dynamic enough to provide more exciting scenarios. However, the complexity of the map does not overpower the players. The map has a certain sought after compromise between complexity and simplicity. The map feels very fresh and easily fits into the minds' of the players. Almost instantly, players become in tune with map as it starts to feel like an actual playspace rather than assorted blocks. One of the common flaws in smaller maps is predictability. Impervious suffers from this flaw. As a a consequence, 1 versus 1 style gameplay becomes slow paced. The gameplay is coherent, but it lacks potential for new or expanding situations, meaning, it usually comes down to who sees who first or who's better at using the primary weapon. 2V2 matches offer a somewhat more unique gameplay at a faster pace as one would assume, but he still lacks the flare and speed that is expected from less standard based competitive maps. Ultimately, the gameplay becomes uniform as if bottled up. That bottle keeps the map from being a roaring success. Despite the fundamental flaws, aspects of Impervious promote a fun time, open to further exploration and strategizing.


    As mentioned, Impervious has a mostly solid design, and other aspects of the map are mostly or somewhat balanced. The layout's finds a good midpoint between simplicity and complexity. Sections of the map are open enough when needed while other areas are inherently more complex, and intricate. The map does a fine job of equally distributing the differing, yet interconnected styles. However, some areas and routes are obviously less attractive than others. Namely, the bottom sections of either side of the map lack any real incentive other than using it to get to the top of the map. The map attempts the use of a power weapon, rockets, to pull flow toward the bottom, but the teleporter seems to cancel out the incentive due to the fact that it eliminates need of most of the bottom. As a reaction, the one way node creates a one way path in the opposite direction. However, the bottom path is still under utilized. The overall flow of the map becomes a singular path back in forth between to the two raised areas of importance. The overall action of the map is those main areas and not others. Barely detouring off of the main route, the two power weapons can be found (rockets and sniper). The weapons do a great job of balancing the two points of interest, aided by sight lines, but does offer much to path options. Ultimately the two main points and the main route gain advantage over the areas and is somewhat imbalanced. Overall, the weapons are balanced very well. However, a team can gain control of both power weapons. This could pose a threat to the map's balance as the advantage may not shift as it should with power weapons. Spawns seem to be well placed and though out to support good flow which is needed because of some of the layout flaws. Impervious is somewhat balanced, but it offers less than what should be.


    The map is completely inescapable. Players must stay in the bounds of the map. However, players can grenade jump onto the crane. It seems like a problem that could have and should have been fixed. Overall, the spawns are very solid for such a small map.


    Not much new comes from this angle. The map, however, does offer very clean-looking and smooth structures. In the end, this is what is best in gameplay. The map feels solid and coherent. There is no clutter or tackiness that distracts from the actual gameplay The map is very well constructed and is remotely geared toward being aesthetic.


    Impervious strives for uniqueness, but overall, there is not much new to it. Some creativity is evident in the layout which promotes a some what unique gameplay experience. The map definitely differs from bland maps that are often seen today. The creator used his own style to make a map that feels different from other maps. Impervious has some evidence of originality, but it brings little to the table.


    Enjoyability: 7/10
    Balance: 6/10
    Durability: 9/10
    Aesthetics: 7/10
    Originality: 7/10

    Overall: 36/50


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