YouTube - Deus Ex: Human Revolution NEW "They Can't Stop The Future" E3 2010 Trailer i just shat my pants. Three times.
DO WANT! I was a huge fan of the first game. It was such an original concept at the time: A true hybrid of FPS/RPG. It was one of those games I always trumpeted as being "ahead of its time" (remember it was made approx 10 years ago!) and I don't think any other game has quite matched what it achieved. It was a very niche market though. The FPS crowd would complain it had way too much RPG in it (inventory managment and such), and the RPG crowd would dismiss it as not being an RPG (they obviously hadn't played it though!). You'd have to be a fan of both RPG and FPS to like it (which I am). Then they released the sequel...sigh...such a disappointment. They watered it all down to appeal to the mass market and it became the typical "FPS with a sprinkling of RPG elements". What a wasted opportunity. Here's hoping the third one goes back to its roots!