MLG Columbus 2010

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Pegasi, May 9, 2010.

  1. SMGstrings

    SMGstrings Ancient
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    As Scott had said during the broadcast, it was most likely BtH taking other teams by surprise by playing overly aggressive and not really playing with a set strategy outside of "use teamshot and push." I think even the top teams will get caught up in trying to set up so much they forget to worry about their individual battles. This is the mindset that allows teams like BtH to thrive and get a top 8 seed.
  2. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Yeah that's exactly what I mean. Their "strategy" is just teamshooting. Literally any team on the circuit could do that exact same thing, but they aren't doing it. Seems to me that any four pro players could do exactly what BtH does, but nobody is and that confuses the hell out of me. Like I said before, I think Demon D is their "x factor" that is making it work. I'd be interested to see him make it onto a better team like, say Triggers Down. Drop Totz or Neighbor for Demon D and I think that team would improve vastly, but we'll see what TD does when they spin their wheel of strange decisions after this event.

    Its like the other teams are spending so much time trying to out-think each other, that they're forgetting that BtH just wants to shoot at them.
    #22 Ladnil, Jun 6, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2010
  3. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    I don't expect the winner of Illuminati vs Darkest Hour to break top 8, unfortunately. Warriors is just looking too strong for either team to face, despite their skill. Warrior's trash talk is kind of aggravating. I can see them top 6, but don't want that because they're just not nice =[. And out of Str8/sQ/Classic, only one is going to place top 8. Really silly, man, really silly.
  4. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Warriors are giving TD a hard time damn, series is 5-4.
  5. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Str8 lost, TD lost. I watched both games.

    Neighbor is the main factor in TD. He's completely silent, stat boosts, and doesn't play objective at all. The one time I saw him grab objective, it was when the other team was all down, he throws the flag to plat, and uses it as bait instead of running it out. He also doesn't bother with callouts, instead every death he complains about it to Totz, who I have to admit is a decent player but shouldn't have to deal with Neighbor's angry rambling and carrying a team at the same time.

    Str8 played well mostly, except for Tsquared. He just looked tired and confused, he was pretty much getting targetted because he wasn't doing well. He had some moments, but overall Heinz, Legit, and Snipedown were good...T2 was the reason they lost. Not sure what's up with that, but he just looked awful. He had Puckett rockets, losing sniper/rocket combo (of course), blowing himself up, grenading teammates, grabbing massive snipers (21 shot sniper at one point), and not getting one kill with it...and to make it worse, he seemed to barely be calling out as he usually does. Sure, he had a good amount, but alot of them seemed slow and he didn't seem to care as much or have the same enthusiasm as usual. Alot of times he'd be in a battle and just not call it out until he either backed off or the enemy was one shot...that's not usual behavior for the T2 that calls out too much.

    SQ is looking really good. I liked what they did against Str8, and they seemed to be doing well against Classic (that's when I went off here for a break before the big games). I haven't seen FB play yet but I did see Pistola running around fist-pumping like a champ (o_O), so I guess they're doing well...
  6. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Yeah, SQ's a solid team. I wouldn't mind them winning, though I'd prefer Instinct. FB wouldn't bother me either.

    Neighbor +146 overall, while his team places what, top 10? CANCER
  7. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Might I mention Neighbor seems to have gifted the team with uniforms? They've all got the same headset (Tritton AX Pros, because they were sponsored), Gunnars (because they were sponsored), and some clothes that look like they're for jogging. Kinda like the Norwegian curling team.

  8. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Man, Walshy just doesn't have it anymore. Defy and Best Man are reliable players, but they aren't superstars, and Naded is either disgusting or sad, nothing in between. I like all the Carbon players, but that team just can't get anything done unless Naded carries.
    "After receiving three technical fouls during their series against Warriors, Maniac was the recipient of the first-ever one minute timeout. Since the third technical was incurred after the series was over, the penalty was carried over to the start of the next series with Status Quo. When Game 1 began, Maniac was forced to set his controller down for the first minute, leaving BTH at a 3-4 disadvantage. SQ capitalized and rolled to three quick captures, but with controller in hand, Maniac led the charge to a 5-4 comeback win. BTH now leads the series 1-0."

    You know what? I officially hate BtH. If you can't control your mouth enough to stop trash talking or at least stop dropping F-bombs when you do trash talk, you don't deserve to win. Classless children on that team.
  9. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Instinct are awesome, Lunch's sniping on Guardian Ball was insane. Little more needs to be said on them tbh, they're a team in Halo 3 who actually didn't disappoint at the second event after forming a new lineup and dominating with it, this is refreshing to say the least.

    But seriously, <3 new Final Boss, and especially Pistola. He was looking really shaky in the WBF, but then in the LBF series against BtH he got his spark back along with the rest of the team. They've been the only team who can challenge this new Instinct, and even though I was hoping for them to take the event, this in itself is enough to make me happy and look forward to this lineup doing big things. I wanted this new roster to work, but this is beyond what I felt confident hoping for, and I genuinely hope that Pistola spent at least a full 5 minutes standing and laughing at new tD. 8th place guys, kudos!

    SQ also solidified their place in my heart, watching that Narrows CTF game against Carbon was one of the most entertaining things I've ever seen. I want to see them break top 3, and I agree with the earlier comments that who I want them to knock down to get there is BtH. FB, Instinct and SQ would be a really great set of top 3 contenders imo.

    Great event overall, the finals were so intense. FB to take at least an event this year if they can build on the amazing dynamic they've worked up in such a short time and after a team change that was basically forced on them.
  10. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    The entire Instinct vs Final Boss series was amazing to watch. I really want Elamite's flag run as a gif so I can sig it.

    So glad that BtH didn't win, and I'm incredibly disappointed with SQ for not taking that game where Maniac had to sit for a minute.
  11. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    What were maniacs three infractions. I saw that he had to sit our for a minute but I couldn't find what he did.
  12. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure that technical fouls are given for overdoing the trash talking. I don't know what he actually said, but knowing Maniac it was probably pretty strong.

    I can't bring myself to like BtH, but then I can't bring myself to hate them either. You're right that they've got no distinctive flair or character as a team, Ladnil, and I don't get why but they're just good, they've got massive energy. Still, seeing them get utterly steamrolled to a 3-0 by FB was incredibly satisfying. Sorry boys, Pistola says no.
  13. SMGstrings

    SMGstrings Ancient
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    Aaaaaand sig'd

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