Recon?Why is it so popular?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by anemone, May 3, 2010.

  1. anemone

    anemone Ancient

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    its just an armour and a very easy armour to get at please people tell me why does everyone suck up to recon so much.
  2. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    It used to be exclusive, before ODST came out. Now, all the 8 year olds believe that it takes 'skill' to get the vidmasters, when all it takes is three other friends and lots of spare time. So they still think it's awesome. Everyone else couldn't give two shits, except idiots and noobs.
    #2 Flameblad3, May 3, 2010
    Last edited: May 19, 2010
  3. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I remember playing a game where people were amazed by my Security helmet!
  4. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    I've grown sick of seeing two or three people per game wearing it. I never really liked the armor but had a huge amount of respect for those who did have it. Now, that ****'s just annoying.

    As for why it's so popular, I think Flamebad hit it. It used to be exclusive, now, everyone can get with relative ease and they still think it's something special.
  5. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    Its either that people think they are cool with it on and are so awesome or think it looks cool.
    I wear it because it looks cool not because I think im awesome for having it on.
  6. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    That was uncalled for. Once you get to third grade you'll understand why.

    Recon isn't very hard to get. My best guess is that people don't want anybody to be able to one up them. Since many people falsely believe armor, rank, and EXP determines skill. They want to be on the same page as everybody. Hence the reason people boost the f*** out of this game.
  7. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    People only liked recon because they couldn't have it.

    In my opinion it's one of the ugliest helmets. The body armor is cool I guess though.
  8. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
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    Recon is a bad looking helmet, maybe that was Bungie's plan. Make something that is actually kind of stupid an exclusive thing, so everyone wants it, then they make it so anyone can have it. Then everyone wears a helmet that really isn't very cool.
  9. Hadokenchild

    Hadokenchild Ancient
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    The thing is, when it was a rare armor, you only got to see it if you played against a Bungie employee. Then they gave them out a special awards for things. Most of those who won them were wearing them cus nobody else could get them and flaunted it. That's all fine and good, they earned it and had every right to show off. But once it was available for everyone, that's when most of the anti-Recon attitude came flooding in. It was something I could never understand. Why is something only considered great if a very small percentage of people can have it? Either it's cool or it's not, the ability of obtaining it should have no bearing on its appeal. I've always hated the Recon helmet. The rest of the armor was nice looking tho which is why I use them.
  10. cyberwaste6996

    cyberwaste6996 Ancient
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    I remember when I first unlocked recon, by vidmasters of course. I was happy that I was able to accomplish it so I wore all three parts for a single game...After the game ended (I didn't do that great) I got a few messages telling my how much I suck and how I don't deserve recon...Seriously? People actually felt the need to go out of their way to insult me over a stupid armor variant. I agree with Hadokenchild the helmet isn't anything special but the chest and shoulders are cool, though I don't use them.
  11. Roland

    Roland Forerunner

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    I remember when there was only one recon I ever saw (Orcishmiscrient; I butchered the spelling but i have no clue how to spell it), the there were the people from Bungie Vs the wrld, which was a good bit of the people who I played with, then the people who had skilled friends that got ODST.
  12. Jellofish777

    Jellofish777 Ancient
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    Its human nature to want what we dont have. At this point its simply because its the "newest" armor available to the public and so its like owning the top car of 2010, and then you travel through time and go to 2011 and realize that everyone owns the car you thought was so cool but you cant bring yourself to admit that your car aint so awesome anymore, so you keep driving it in 2011 thinking it will get you laid even though no one gives a crap about it anymore...
  13. Sitri

    Sitri Forerunner
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    People wear it for the same reason they wear Hayabusa, they want to be part of the larger mob of 9-year-old who wear it, and look all the same
  14. HaterSkater15

    HaterSkater15 Ancient
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    I use to wear recon all the time, now, I wear the original armor variants too along with the recon armor. I don't know why people say it's popular. I only see mabye 1-2 people every once in a while that is wearing the armor.
  15. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    because until last September, you had to be a very important person to Bungie to have Recon. It was like getting matched up against a Bungie employee (before the giveaway on Bungie Day). People just want what they cant have so they fell in love with it. Now that it is so easy to get, everyone doesn't care anymore.

    I knew a kid with Recon about a year after Halo 3 came out. He got it for being one of the first traffic cone victims. He was a 9 year old squeaker that got everyone to do what he wanted. It was pretty sad to see people who were 19-30 years old act like servants for a 9 year old kid because he had video game armor.
  16. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    Not true.

    If they dont wear it then they just wasted part of their life.

    Just so everybody knows, not everybody should like the same armor. There should be a variety.
    Some people like their things while you like something different
  17. Sitri

    Sitri Forerunner
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    not really, i rarely wear it, i got it so i could knock out a bunch of achievements, and to say i have all the armor
  18. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Roflmao. Made my day FG ;)

    Anyway, i agree that it is waaaay to overdone. I managed to get access to it a whole week before it became available to the public. Yay i was special for seven days! Hahaha anyway i really like recon, but then again i like almost all of the armor. Cept for the EOD helmet...

    Also i have to agree that rank and exp mean crap for skill when i can still destroy you with any weapon you give me. Cus im lucky.
  19. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    as a whole its meh. I don't have it yet, but i'd probably only wear the chest piece maybe the shoulders
  20. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    I had recon when it was cool. The first day I played with it was on Grifball. Everyone on my team killed me and so did everyone on the other team. I barely got one ball across. On other games I got friend requests from like everyone and when I got off and got back on there were like 10 FR and like 15 messages saying, "Dude I love you" or "Add me I'm cool" or "Plz add me plz." and etc. I met some really stupid people that said since I had recon I had to have people I had no idea who they were that had recon. I didn't care at all and just made real friends who had recon or not. Recon back in the day was annoying as f***. I was dissapointed that my recon wasn't going to be special anymore becasue of the VidMasters. I think I found ONE person who also had recon in matchmaking randomly. The recon in Reach wont be special at all or neither the flame. It's just either you payed more or you reserved the game or not. I want to see what kind of armor Bungie is going to make their exclusive armor.
    #20 Klaydude11, Jun 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2010

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