Inspiration The puzzle map you have all been waiting 7 months for (yes, it's been in the making for 7 months.) is almost here. This map fixes every flaw from Frustration and is easy for the most part (Apart from the ghost challange...). Merrifield forged the hub, and half of the first hub teleporter then I forged the rest. This map generally plays the best with one person but is compatible with up to 4. About 1200 Jews has 2 challenges in the map and Wickedsoadman has one. The map got its name because its was inspired by mine and merrifield's co-op map "Frustration v4". This is definitely in our opinion the best map we've made so far. Expect the map soon because it is being tested right now. Now what most people care about... Pictures First room Hub View 1 Hub View 2 First Hub Teleporter First Hub Teleporter First Hub Teleporter First Hub Teleporter 3rd Hub Teleporter 2nd Hub Teleporter Overview of the first hub teleporter, The tube is the second hub teleporter, and the hub That is all for now, should be done very soon. Credits 1. ActualGLoRY(Me), Merrifield69, About 1200 Jews, and Wickedsoadman 2. All the testers (Not named yet) 3. Chodomiux for the deployable cover-mongoose challenge. Also helped fix a break.
Wow, the map's aesthetics look fantastic. The hub looks pretty unique. I really can't wait to try this out.