Very simple war scene set on Valhalla that'll span one or two minutes in the machinima. I need as many people as I can get, randoms and newbies are certainly welcome. You will be credited in the video when it is released (real name optional). If all goes well, the credits sequence will even have your gamertag and your character at the end, like a short of them moving, then a freeze frame, your name. woo Aside from specific parts I need done, (like a person in a wraith) as long as you're in a general area and you attack the other team (spartans vs. elites) you can talk and **** around all you like (the former of course, within reason). If, however, you don't follow directions, I will not hesitate to boot you from the party. I know this is very short notice, but I barely started the script and want to finish it ASAP. This is by far the most complicated (not hard, none of the scenes are hard to film at all really) since I can't act it out on my own. As such, I plan to have four filming sessions. If all goes well, I'll only need the first one. Just state your gamertag and the session you plan on joining. You DO NOT need to sign up for all four, you may if you wish. Today, Saturday the 5th, from 4-5 PM PST (7-8 EST) Sunday, same time. Monday, same time. Saturday the 12th, noon. (3 PM EST) I want to have 16 people in game...let's see if we can manage that. I'm willing to change the scheduled times if the majority of those sign up feel it better suited for noon or something. The scene is cliche, which is the point, the machinima is something I know hasn't been done before in the medium, so you'll be a part of something unique. Thanks.
If you still haven't got it done by the 12th I'll be up for that one as its the one I can make due to time differences
Sounds fun. I might be able to make it today. I'm not sure how my schedule is gonna fill out but by 7 EST I should definitely know.
perhaps not tonight's, as it is a bit sparse due to short notice, but the others seem easier to do. regardless, ill be getting on tonight to see if i can muster up a party.
yeah, not really a ton of people on right now, guess we'll try tomorrow. I need at least 8 people for it to be decent.
Only three people signed up to help with the machinima today...and it's a sunday...can't see me being able to get many more on. I'm getting on halo to see if I can, but if I can't get eight people I'm calling it off until saturday.
I may need to retract my previous engagement with you, as I work tonight, have an interview at 1:30 tomorrow, then work tomorrow evening.
So the filming session yesterday was a bit chaotic, but fruitful. Can't film today due to school stuff, but saturday I plan to have the map and gametypes mapped out, should be easy.