Sandbox Jump!!! The 3rd

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by lilhoog49, Jun 5, 2010.

  1. lilhoog49

    lilhoog49 Ancient
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    JUMP!!! THE 3RD

    Download Map HERE

    Hey guys, this is my second map. This map is third jumping map I have made but I didn't post the others because they aren't as good. If you like this map and want to see the others, send me a message on XBL (GT: lilhoog49). I have a gametype for it, but I didn't have enough room in my file share so you can just use the regular slayer gametype. It is a very fun jump map. The best thing about it is that its not just boring jumps. It has lots of fun things in it. If you need help with any jumps/other stuff on the map or suggestions for it leave a comment below.


    Starting Point, First Jump, and Checkpoints

    First Line Going Across Skybubble

    One of the hardest jumps. Throw one grenade to break the turret and then throw another one to make the bottom part go flying towards you. Time it right and you will jump on the bottom part of the turret and land on the other side. This jump is pretty hard so if you can't get it, jump into the first teleporter.

    First Bend

    Second Line After Bend Coming Back

    After second bend use the teleporter to fly across to the third line.


    Bottom Right: Be careful, that line of BRs is the death line!
    Center: Climb using only two fins???
    Top Left: Jump over the kill ball and be careful not to hit it.

    Push the golf ball into the hole and find the secret teleporter to go to the floating weapon platform.

    Thanks for reading and please leave a comment below. Please check out my other map HERE. If you can beat the whole thing please send me a video of it on XBL.

    Download Map HERE
    #1 lilhoog49, Jun 5, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2010
  2. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Yikes this looks like a tricky map... I think you just got my download, and i like how you added help for the people Want a tip? Offer some tiny reward, like posting the name on this thread, for the first person to finish it and post a video proof. That way more people will download it because people enjoy a good challenge, especially a reward.
  3. Battleman36

    Battleman36 Ancient
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    looks fun. i dl. this really looks challenging. im recommending it to friends

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