Holy ****. I actually think I'm seeing improvement. I still recommend tut's, but hell I still use them to get better. You're effects and render don't really match the background flow wise, but you got the colors working. I can clearly See the render, and you at least got the main water effect looking thing to go with it. You should also try using borders and see what kinda you like, I almost always use a 5 px bar on top and bottom. The background itself is nice, but doesn't match at all. Because you're still starting out, and showing improvement, I give you a thumbs up and expect an inter-five. o/
Thanks, I see it too this time, and i really just made this to test out my newest brushes and a cool pic of lightning that i found.
Although it works well in your current sig, 5px is often times too thick. 1px black border looks good on anything; nice and clean and it serves it's purpose perfectly. Keep practicing and reading articles on design. That's the only way to get better. Tutorials are good for picking up tricks and tips, but it usually it isn't that helpful to follow the tutorial in its entirety.
I like it aside from the effects in front of the render. They are a little weird, idk, just dont like them. But yea, this is much better then your other sigs.
Kudos for listening now. Similar to what they already said, just do your best to make your sig feel believable, meaning the render/stock, the background, and the effects all look awesome when put together. Keep it up.
Don't like the text. You really aren't very good at text, so perhaps just leave text out for a while.
Don't leave text out if you don't want to. What you need to see is that simple text is not only better than illegible "fancy" type, but it is, in effect, the only option. Use Arial Bold in your next sig. Or Impact Condensed. I've seen a lot of people tell you about this and you never seem to listen; understand that it is very frustrating when you blatantly disregard our offered advice.