Ok i didn't get into the beta so i don't know how it will run on my pc, my pc runs Supreme Comander on High Graphics so do you think my pc will run it?
This. Easy way to tell your Graphics Card is to go into Control Panel and go to Resolutions, click Detect and it'll tell you your card. Assuming you have windows, that is.
nononono. We need processor speed and type, RAM amount, graphics ram and processing as well as the model number.
Well, my thing failed for him telling us his graphics card -.-" Ugh, go into the start menu, type in 'run' without the 's, and once the window comes up, put in dxdiag. Press "Yes." if prompted, and a window will come up telling you your specs.
I have windows 7 Toshiba notebook System model: L500D BIOS: Ver 1.00 ParttbL Proceessor: AMD TURION II Undra Dual Core Moblie M620 ( 2 CPUs) 2.5 Ghz Memeory:4096MB RAM Direct X Verion 11
Device Name: ATI Moblility Radeon HD 4600 Series Manufacture: ATI Technologies inc Chip Type: ATI Display adapter (0x9480) DAC Type: Internal Dac(400MHz) Aprox total memery:2362MB Current Display Mode:1366x768(32bit) 60Hz Moniter: generic pnp moniter Do you want drivers and direct x extra features aswell?
So 4GB of ram, a pretty good dual core, and an amazing graphics card. You are more than fine. Starcraft 2 is optimized for dual cores anyways.
Sc2 will work fine for you. Worst case scenario, you may have to run it on lowest settings for a higher frame rate.