Author: DIEabolical Map Name: RBSV2 Killhouse V3 Map Canvas: Sandbox Map Size: Large Player Count: 4-16 Supported Gametypes: Assault, Capture the Flag, Infection, Oddball, Slayer, Team Slayer, Terrorist Hunt __________________________________________________ Description Killhouse V3 Terrorist Hunt (Swat rules on Infection with high gravity and Br Shotgun Grenades loadout) Other Custom Gametypes ModernWarfare(Swat with high gravity and Br Shotgun Grenades loadout) COD 1 Bomb(Onebomb with high gravity and Br Shotgun Grenades loadout)
D, I hope you fixed the issue of escaping over the huge wall on the side. That was really annoying when people could get out of the map! I love the design and the close-quarters combat but I must say i still do not like the asymmetric wooden roof, and I also liked the stone pathways over the wood bridge changes. That said, it still looks good, and I am sure you will submit this to the Foreign contest.
Nice submission. I never did see the game so I don't know how accurate the map is, but from the pics it looks nice and smooth.
I think you will have the time if you need 3-5 Days to complete a Map. We still have 3 weeks left, so I expect at least 4 Maps from you. Have you started working on ths before the contest aired or do you work that fast? I've never played that much of RBS, so I can't judge how accourate the Map is, but the forging looks good. But there are some parts I don't like, like the wooden roof above red base or the steep ramps. On the original Map the Grav Lifts are laddrs right? With the higher Gravity, how do the lifts work out?
This is an astounding map, i like how you were able to make it pretty much exactly like rsv2 killhouse, i assume that the man cannons work well as rappels. I do have a question, did you included the area to the left of the house or not i can't see from the pics?
The map is not escapeable when using the custom gametypes. Also the wooden pathway allowed me to gain an item instead of using 2 stone bridges. The wooden roof is simply the exact way it looks on the actual map so it stays lol . @LD - LOL! yea it seems I do work fast and usually only spend 15 hours per map but that is not the case here.Killhouse V3 is simply a redone version of the older V2. Also all the lifts work with any gravity setting and they represent the reppel areas on the original map. @hayabusa- I have included all side areas of the map including the broken down train car on the blue side.