Sandbox Trench Warfare

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Spl1nt3rC3ll, Jun 3, 2010.

  1. Spl1nt3rC3ll

    Spl1nt3rC3ll Forerunner

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    Honest feedback greatly appreciated!

    Trench Warfare
    Not so quiet on the Western Front. : Halo 3 File Details Must be played with "Trench Warfare" gametype: : Halo 3 File Details

    This map is a long, narrow field with deep trenches containing territories. An underground tunnel runs from one end to the other and connects each trench. However, the tunnel becomes fully boarded up after a certain amount of time to force players to use the surface trenches (as opposed to a few line of sight blocking boards in the start of the round). Each team has a starting bunker at the end of the field where they can choose a weapon and man turrets. A stationary wraith simulates artillery fire. Note that you will die when exiting the wraith, this is to prevent cheating and is the cost of using such a powerful weapon. In between the furthest trench from each base lies the vast and dreaded "no man's land." Fusion coils rain down upon this area to simulate mortar barrages. If you are smart, you can cross no man's land safely.

    Players must fight to capture territory. The territories do not lock, so defend what you have. Plays like SWAT in that there are no shields and low health for realism.

  2. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    First of all, i know what this game seems to be based on! Im glad to see this, because its neverending fun right here. But first; definatly add sheilds. I have a halo 3 team and we are all 43 or higher in SWAT, so basically this game will be rape since it will be impossible to get more than ten feet without getting killed. So i am saying that you NEED to raise the shield levels, otherwise it will be impossible. Remember that realism isnt always what makes it play best. Also, it looks like you need to clean up your interlocks because it will be bumpy and that kills strafing, and accounts for 75% of lost grenades. The other 25%, in case you are wondering, is those pesky wood nymphs. Always stealing my grenades.......
    #2 Jex Yoyo, Jun 3, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2010
  3. Roland

    Roland Forerunner

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    I love the map and concept. Have not gotten to play a game on it yet but i have looked it over pretty well. I think this will be very fun.

    Side Note: My friend and I always joked about a CoD: Trench Warfare (for WWI) and getting sick/putting on gas masks as the only main objectives xP.
  4. Spl1nt3rC3ll

    Spl1nt3rC3ll Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it! I wasn't entirely sure how the map would play out on a larger scale, as I only play tested it with two friends, thus leading to uncertainty about shield and health level. With shields, I wasn't sure if people would be killed in the trenches from a distance. Would they take a few bullets and duck back down, or stay up and fighting long enough to take damage? That's attrition for you, though. It would be great to hear the results if your group tested it!

    I never was very good at interlocks, though. Still new to me.
  5. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    This has been done berfore but i think your version is the best out of all of them, i like it because you have made it a large scale map, all of the other maps are pretty small and i think your map is great.
  6. Battleman36

    Battleman36 Ancient
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    love the idea. interlock next time due to lost grenades. what i have realized in the past was that the fusion coils can cause some serious lag for a large party. but a 8.5/10 for me
  7. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I really like this map , Couple things i noticed , looks like you might die getting out of the wraith , and main issue i see is that in real trench warfare the turrets where stationed at the furthest point from the center to enable maximum efficacy. Other wise i like this map looks really good.
  8. Spl1nt3rC3ll

    Spl1nt3rC3ll Forerunner

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    I am currently working on a V2 of this map. It will feature "mortar craters" on the surface that will appear at 60, 90, and 120 second intervals after the game has started. The craters will act as line of sight blockers and cover. I hope this adds a dynamic element to the map. The player will be able to safely exit the Wraith and there will be a never re-spawning flamethrower. Hope to finish soon!
  9. Dark3nd Av3ng3r

    Dark3nd Av3ng3r Ancient
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    First allow me to say that your map is one of the cleverest ideas I've seen. All truth be told, I had thought of doing something like this before, but I wasn't sure how to go about it. I'm happy to say you did better than I ever could've. DEFINITE download. Great map.

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