Link to video [bungievid]87947437[/bungievid] : Halo 3 File Details click both please Please leave a comment, rate, favorite, and subscribe here and youtube! Place where it was voted 4 best Unreality - The Top 15 Funniest Halo Deaths | Thanks!
It really wasn't that impressive... Honestly, it didn't have a "lul" factor like the cone to the head death.
I mean I got the fact that the fusion coil doing that is 1 in a boat million, but I agree with RST, it wasn't funny like that cone to the head.
i agree with theory. Personally i kinda with the ghost kill from halo 2 should have made it in there. Now that is a classic
That wasn't that funny because the guy sat there and stared at the ghost in the air and adjusted himself a little so that he would get smashed.