Cynic History: So, the whole Half Pit thing was a literal Forge map on The Pit with Teleporters, Barriers Crates, and ugly **** all over the place. So, one day, not even thinking this would be a possible map, I came up with a sketchup of a Half Pit remake for sandbox. I posted it in the Feedback thread, and actually was told that it was a good idea to forge a Half Pit map. The day that i posted the sketchup, I had 75% of the map completed before going to sleep that night. I finished the map within the next few days and never got to test it. So, with no testing done on the map, i had made myself believe that this map was a dud, and i continued with life. No more than a month later, Ha Ha Humanity sends me a Friend Request, invites me into party chat and starts talking about the map. He said that he had played a few games on it and he likes the way it played, but it like ****. So he proposed the idea of him doing a reforge. I had no objection to this, i was actually excited about it. He set March 15th, as the day he would get finished. I told him that sounded great, and if he needed any help i would be glad to do anything to help. So, March 15th rolls around and the map is about 45% done. He said that things have been slow but, during April the map would get done. So during April, everything was finished except sword room. Sword room played like nut sack. So Humanity had the idea to put a lift into sword. (from sword 1 up to sword 2) I did not like this idea, Humanity can recall me telling him it was a bad idea, but he had faith in this lift that it would work. So we forged a lift, made it look pretty, and played a few games. We hated it. For some reason it just did not play the way it was supposed to. So we kinda left the map alone for a few days to brain storm. I come up with this idea that makes sword room feel more like a room, and it would play well. The only downfall, is that it look like ****. So, we scrapped that idea, and went back to brain storming. Soon, we came up with the idea to have a ramp system that actually played pretty damn well. After getting sword room looking good again, we had another problem, Snipe lift wasn't doing its job well enough. We then came up with a ramp system to work for snipe tower. It looked like balls. So we scrapped that and came up with what it is now. Way prettier than the previous ramp and work damn well also. Spawns and cover were the final issue addressed. Spawns weren't to hot, and it felt like the map needed more cover. So we threw around some ideas, and came up with nothing for cover. Humanity worked on spawns with Zoro (I think?) and we ended up with a spawn system that passed Humanity's likings. So with all that said, The map has been through a ton of changes. Everything was chosen to be changed/altered for a reason. Oh, and Humanity, if that wall of text up there sounds like I'm bashing on you, I'm sorry, haha. I wasn't meaning for it to sound that way. The weapons on cynic are timed just like Guillotine. There are two Snipers, and a Custom Power Up. You have two options for gametypes really. A Slow 1v1, or a ****ing fast 2v2. It is also set up to play Flag, Ball, Territories, and all that stuff (Just for fun.) Also, The FFA version supports up to 8 players and has no power weapons or power ups. All BR and Carbines. Here are the many pictures of Cynic: A special thanks goes out to Ha Ha Humanity, this map would have never got reforged if it was wasn't for his mad obsession with Half Pit. There are also many other to think, ill try to name all that i can. (its been forever since I've been on Halo.) Zoro, Ace Of Spades, Craig, Hezbolla, McAnarchy, Limey, CombatCarl. Thats all that i can think of, and you could be getting a thanks just because you came and kept up company while we were forging. So thank you to all those people, and if i have forgotten you, I'm very sorry. Please let me know and ill add you up here. Download 1v1 & 2v2 Version Download FFA Version Just incase you missed it up there.
You know, even with as much time as I spent with Humanity looking around on this map and giving my input, I never got a frickin game on it? I'm sure it's great though... you guys put a LOT of work into it.
Damn thats nice. I really like the aesthetics. Im gonna give this a dl, and pop back with any issues i find. Im hoping i dont find too many cus this map is purty.
It's good to see that this has finally been posted! I'll have to hop on my xbox sometime soon and play some games with you guys. Oh and congratulations to Humanity for FINALLY finishing a map.
Oh wow. This. Looks. Awesome. Everything is really neat looking from the pictures, especially the corner base. (3rd pic) I think some intense Slayer and Oddball matches could be played hur. I will download and comment back as soon as my Xbox quits being stupid.