Heroic DLC Ghost Chase

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by The Molemyster, Jun 3, 2010.

  1. The Molemyster

    The Molemyster Ancient
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    Ghost Chase

    Hello and welcome to Ghost Chase. But first of all, I must say, it is good to be back. I havnt posted a map in a while but now im back in the zone! Ive learnt from my mistakes and im back to prove that I can Forge!

    Ghost Chase is a remake of a very good classic mini-game map 'Mexican Chase', but all of the bugs and glitches have been fixed (Hopefully)! The is now no way inside and was made completly from a clear Rat's Nest. The Infected spawn zone has now been moved into the middle, so they dont get spawn-killed.

    It is played on the gametype 'RUN!', which gives the Humans 300% Speed and 200% Gravity, Magnums (But cant deal any damage), 2 lives and cant drive vehicles, and the Infected have 50% Speed and 200% Gravity, Needlers (But again cant deal any damage), 2 lives and can drive vehicles. When the game starts, 25% of players fall to there deaths instantly (Yay! Time for Pictures!):


    These people are Infected. This happens to take one life from you so the Infected are on there last lives and to give time for the Humans to run. The will respawn in 'Garage':


    The they choose a vehicle. A Ghost or a... Mongoose:


    The sides and all big doors have been blocked off by a single Ghost-merged Bridge:


    This area is completly Human-proof. Then they drive through the teleporter wall:


    If you look at the very first picture, you can see a teleporter node. This is where these teleporters lead to. The Humans spawn and respawn in this area along the black line:


    The Infecteds aim is to splatter the Humans with there Ghosts (Or Mongooses) and the Humans task is to simple to anything to survive. The huge entrances and the side of the map are blocked of as follows:



    This is on both sides, and the teleporters only lead to each other. 2 corners of the maps are also blocked off as follows:


    There is no way into the corner now. You can still get up the stairs, but so can the Infected. The top part of the map, opposite from the Human Spawn, is blocked off like this:


    And the... you know what, here are the rest of the pics. I think you will work it out for yourselfs:



    And there it is. my fingers are now sore and my map is now posted! But to finish off, here are the download links.

    Ghose Chase --> Map

    RUN! --> Game

    And last of all, I hope you enjoy! Remember to comment!
  2. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Dang this is possibly the best mongoose ghost chase map I have seen. No joke. Other maps either don't block off enough points for humans to camp so the humans wind up being safe the entire time for zombies, or they make those dumb ol spawn boxes for zombies and the zombies have nothing to keep from being spawn camped. 10/10 straight up.
  3. The Molemyster

    The Molemyster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you SOO much dude, this comment has made me very happy! Thank you for the comment!
  4. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    Very well overall, but one thing really seems to bother me...What if the humans purposely go through the death-teleporter so that they can fall off, lose a life, and never have to be a zombie. I've played on a map sort of like this one, and that's exactly what the humans did. Sometimes it was just idiots who tried to get into the zombie spawn, and sometimes it was a bunch of D-bags who wanted to piss off the humans.

    Even if the humans lose just one single life, it will ensure they will never become a zombie, which will weaken the zombies' overall chance of winning the game.

    If you ever think about making a V2, my recommendation would be to do the same thing you did to the teleporters in your 7th picture, and just make the humans come out the same way they came in.
    #4 Hogframe, Jun 3, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2010
  5. The Molemyster

    The Molemyster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    People wont runt into the death-teleported because that is just plain boring. What would then be the point to just watching? There also isnt really any way of fixing this problem. And also there is no way to the teleporters in picture 7, there just there to keep the crates held down, and there turned on to look good. Thanks for the comment!

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