Viper Pit Sandbox (Skybubble) Remember King Nibs Curse? I payed very close attention to the comments on what i should change for a v2. Well, there were so many problems on the first one that i decided to start fresh and with an entirely new look to boot! In case you never saw King Nibs Curse, i will post some pictures of Viper Pit and KNC so you can compare. Viper Pit Viper Pit's "Pit" Nibs Overview Nib's Pit I think i listened to most if not all comments that everyone left on the KNC thread, and please let me know what you think. I could really use ideas on where to go from here. Thanks, bK Nibs
Omg i remember that map! Its from SO long ago, like almost three days!! Hahaha thats quiet a speedy turnaround there i must say. Im sincerely impressed. Now lets hope the map is just as inspiring. From what i can see, it has tons of potential. First off, i really like the rocky underground theme, so much to say that i might as well love it because its the penultimate representation of everything that is and ever will be awesomesauce with forge. However ive seen it executed much better. I thing if you added a few filters to make it darker, and added some more rocks and bumps to make it more realistic it would drastically increase the aesthetic appeal. Also i personally do not approve of the colored lights, especially on a map without bases. They are just strange. Finally, the pit in the middle is a good idea but maybe you should try making it actually look like a pit, instead of a bunch of systematically placed wedges. A pit has randomness to it, and doesnt look manufactured. And the pillar in the middle is a little too random, since it is in the middle i would consider making it more straight up and down, or otherwith make more bends and twists by using smaller collumns. Secondly, The spawns are terrible. If you used an OLN canvas you have like 60 spawns that you could have used to totally line the perimeter with them so that it is impossible to predict spawns. But since there is only a handful along each wall, it will be way too easy to sit in one corner and spawn kill everyone in the other two. I realize that most people arent anywhere near good enough to do that with more than one person, but most people havnt taken part in a winning MLG team like some of the guys i play with. So i would reccomend adding TONS more spawns to it. So, if this was a basic five minute throw together to show us your plan then it is a complete success. But if this is supposed to be a final product, i reccomend spending so much more time building it so that you can make it much better executed and much cleaner. Sorry about the rant, this map has too much potential so dont think its a failure! Just fix it up, okay? =)
Thanks YoYo, these are the kinds of comments im looking for. 1. The lights will most likely go, except for maybe a very faint single color for some added atmosphere. 2. I havent tried any light effects on the map yet, but when i get a chance to go on, ill give em' a try. 3. These are definately not the final spawns, there will be spawns going around the entire perimeter of the map to get rid of spawn killing and hopefully give freshly spawned players a fair chance to reenter the fight. 4. About the pit, i really do like the idea of making it look less... organized. I may use smaller objects to make the pit seem bigger and hopefully make the column seem less awkward. The overshield will stay because it is a true factor for this map and KNC. It adds a little bit of strategy to a otherwise chaotic game. Thanks again YoYo for already addressing some key things that i can work on and i hope to get some ideas from more people.
No problem, it also looks like one could theoretically jump straight out of the pit with a well timed ghost jump or whatever its called. I would try making it 100% impossible to even bounce on while going down, until its far too late to get out. Just a suggestion. And i do like the overshield, but maybe you could try a custom to make it a little more or possibly have different effects on gameplay (scoring, invis, multiple os, etc...), and also you could make a custom gametype that is more interesting. Just a few thoughts.
If the ghosts arent the main aspect of fighting, i'd stick some large door sheilds about half way down the pit, so it would look like water or something, meaning ghosts would get stuck down, and if you got out you'd die, NO WAY OUT! xD anyway, really cool looking! Good luck on the rest! (another suggestion would be to make a box outside the circle where you spawn after a certain amount of deaths, to watch the others play if thats possible.) EDIT: You could also make a ton of teleporters at the bottom, thats teleport you into the tunnel to the crypt, increasing fall time, add a deathball at the bottom, BOOM
Ghosts aren't the main aspect of gameplay. Although they arent in the pictures there will be two in the final product. I like the idea about water, but the fall will stay short so that players can respawn quickly and keep the game intense. Lastly, there is a set gametype for this map, it is the same gametype used on KNC.