Great Wall

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Jellyjamz, Jun 3, 2010.

  1. Jellyjamz

    Jellyjamz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great Wall​


    Great Wall​



    Hey guys this is my first post on forgehub, so it might be a little rough, bear with me. This is an infection map made by me, THEIrish52, and DUA1 D3AG13S. The base concept for the game is that the zombies come flying over the wall using man-cannons or jumping, and try to infect the humans, while the humans try to survive. The only thing on the zombie's side are the man cannons that send them over. On the other hand, The human's side is littered with debris and a few structures. Their is no way for a human to get over the wall in normal gameplay. Both geo and ghost merging were used on the map. It was really fun to make and only took around 8 hours to complete, 8 hours to test and remove glitches, and 4 hours for me to learn how to post on forgehub. Here are some screenshots! Additionally, a mongoose will spawn in 60 seconds. It makes you more of a target, and with all the cover, a zombie could easily hide behind a block.



    Human Spawn

    Zombie Spawn

    Human Side

    Now for some zombie action!

    Ohh Sh...

    Zombie Soup?

    Are you sure?

    Teamwork is always good...

    I hope you guys liked the map! If it is popular enough, we might even make a v2. Making the awesome awesomer. Thanks for reading and possibly downloading. Peace.
    #1 Jellyjamz, Jun 3, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2010
  2. xXx Shadow xXx

    xXx Shadow xXx Forerunner

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    Kinda good but looks like the can Camp and possibly Camp the Round and any weapons around the map?
  3. heavenseven77

    heavenseven77 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    WOW no comments, I say 10/10, great forger. Use your skills wisely.
  4. Jellyjamz

    Jellyjamz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There are no places that can significantly be camped if the zombie is smart. Most zombies would just go over a man cannon, making the humans hear the sound effect. Their is a way on the right side of the wall to sneak over the wall without making the sound and alerting the humans. additionally, their are man cannons on the ends and the very ends. The structures are small and not overly used to do their mostly aesthetic function. No weapons are around the map. In the gametype that is required, there are magnum and shotgun starts. I hope this answers your questions.
    #4 Jellyjamz, Jun 3, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2010
  5. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    How fair is this map for the zombies? Besides some cover, do they have any advantages? I only ask because most infection maps are really quite biased against the zombies. Also, I think you can make the man cannons silent by merging them into the ground, but I'm not sure.
  6. Jellyjamz

    Jellyjamz Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The zombies have 200% speed, 75% gravity. I like the sound because it gives the humans a little warning. The zombies dart in and out of cover while the humans don't know what to do. I would test more but none of my friends were on at 1 in the morning. But when I was testing, If the zombie had a little skill, he could infect 1 to 2 humans in the first go, tilting the scale.
  7. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    cool map, i think this will only work if the humans only have shotguns. And it should be fine with just save one bullet. I love the wall it looks super awesome.
  8. Jellyjamz

    Jellyjamz Ancient
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    Ehh. I don't know. Try it without the magnums. Tell me what happens. That might be the way to go. And by the way, the wall took 6 hours of pure forging. Irish showed me his "rough draft" of the map he had made, trust me, mine looks better than his rough draft. Dual Deagles kept on telling me to make a sniper tower. He showed me what he wanted and eventually, that became human spawn.
  9. ForgeMasta

    ForgeMasta Forerunner
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    Yeah I had the idea but my forging skills are not that great...

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