Sandbox Pro 'Sketball

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by buddhacrane, Jun 2, 2010.

  1. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
    Senior Member

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    • [jumpto=introduction]Introduction[/jumpto]
      • [jumpto=opening]Opening Statement[/jumpto]
      • [jumpto=cpics]Court Pics[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=gameplay]Gameplay[/jumpto]
      • [jumpto=basics]The Basics[/jumpto]
      • [jumpto=scoring]Scoring[/jumpto]
      • [jumpto=traits]Player Traits[/jumpto]
      • [jumpto=advanced]Advanced Tactics[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=apics]Action Screenshots[/jumpto]
    • [jumpto=links]Download Links[/jumpto]


    [aname=opening]Opening Statement[/aname]
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    "Pro 'Sketball" is a Basketball map by BuddhaCrane and Mander A1. This map has been designed and built to be a unique experience that merges the game of Basketball with the mechanics of Halo 3.

    One of the first things we'd like to say is that our Basketball game is nothing like Grifball and nothing like any previous Basketball variants you may have played in Halo 3 before. We've designed it from the ground up to be something different and it's taken us over a year (yes a year) to finally realise our vision. We're not saying that makes our map better, or even good, just that it's unique! If you'd like to know exactly 'how' our map is unique then read on squire!

    [aname=cpics]A Look At The Court[/aname]
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    [aname=basics]The Basics[/aname]
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    The game is played with two teams and works best if each side consists of five or less players. The objective is simple - get the bomb into the enemy's hoop. There are many ways to go about this, and two separate ways of scoring. So if you want to learn the tips and tricks that'll give you a head start then pay attention.

    Ball movement is essential in the game and if you want to get it somewhere at a decent speed then you'll have to dribble (the ball carrier traits cause him to move very slowly). To do this just repeatedly drop the ball and pick it up. It'll take a bit of getting used to, but it'll really pay off.

    You'll notice that there are a number of mancannons specifically postitioned around the court. You can use these to quickly pass the ball to your teammates. The ones in the back corners hurl the ball down court, while the ones in mid-court send the ball across the centre, conveniently close to a scoring grav lift. To use them just simply drop the bomb into the back end of the gap. Making use of these can really provide some quick ball movement giving you an edge over your enemy, assuming it doesn't get intercepted of course!

    Regenerator Use

    Every 2 minutes, which is twice a round, a regenerator will spawn in each team's spawn room. "What are they for?" you ask.

    One of the more obvious uses of the regenerator is survivability. The best time to use one is at your opponent's net to give yourself extra time to score without being killed. It is important to note, however, that you do not regain shields while holding the bomb!

    A better use for the regenerator is to take advantage of the passing mancannons. You see, normally the mancannons only affect the bomb but if you throw a regenerator near them then they will also affect you. Use this tactic to travel from your end of the court over to the enemy's in a flash, possibly allowing you to assist a teammate in need!

    Grav Lift Use

    Once a round a deployable grav lift spawns in the centre of the court, where the bomb spawns. It will appear 2 mins 30 secs into the game.

    The grav lift gives you a chance to solo slam dunk for two points. Normally a slam dunk requires two people, to get the extra height required to jump into the hoop, but with a grav lift you can get the extra height alone; just throw it in front of the hoop! More crafty players may choose to place the grav lift near the scenery grav lifts, positioned at the sides of the hoop, to solo slam dunk instead!

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    There are two main scoring methods, which are detailed below.

    This is the standard scoring method and involves throwing the bomb into your opponent's hoop for one point.

    To score you need to jump up against the hoop and let go of the bomb at the very peak of your jump. If you do it right then the bomb will land in the hoop. After that it's a simple process to earn your point.


    After throwing the bomb into your opponent's hoop, it will roll down a shaft and land near your spawn room. To get the point you just kill yourself (there are killballs near each hoop) and pick up the bomb in your spawn room. As soon as you pick it up it will automatically score you a point. Voila!


    The slam dunk is the second scoring method at your disposal. To make things interesting, this scoring method gets you two points; that's right TWO points! To balance out the risk/reward of this scoring method you require two people to pull it off.

    A slam dunk is achieved by getting yourself into the hoop, along with the bomb. You are unable to jump into the hoop on your own though, you will not be able to reach high enough, this is where your partner comes in! If you jump on another player's head you can get the extra boost needed to land inside. Once you make it in the net, it's a simple process to earn your two points.


    The moment you land in your opponent's hoop you will be teleported into a small enclosure we lovingly dub "The Genius Box".

    Provided you have jumped into the correct hoop (no jumping into your own hoop, cheater!) and you're carrying the bomb, then you will automatically get your first point; this will blow up the pallet in front of you and automatically teleport you into the next room. If you're not holding the bomb, or have attempted to cheat the system in any way then the genius box will not give you any points, it will not allow you to proceed, and it will promptly kill you. Naughty naughty!

    The second point is awarded in the next room; this room is directly under the bomb spawn point in the centre of the court. To get your second point simply pick up the bomb; it will then automatically plant, blow up, and make you respawn back in your spawn room. Voila, 2 points for your slam dunk sir!


    The distance shot is a twist on the single point scoring method. Instead of going right up against the hoop everytime, directly in the line of fire of the defending opposition, you can choose to throw the bomb into the grav lifts, positioned to the sides of the hoop.

    Some obvious advantages of this method are as follows:

    - It will take the enemy longer to reach you and they will be back to normal strength by the time they get up to you. You see when the enemy spawns they are slow but strong for the first few seconds, making them a very credible threat when trying to score from the hoops, but much less of a threat at the grav lifts.
    - When trying to score at the hoop, enemies can jump you from both sides, but when trying to score from a grav lift they can only attack from one direction (you'll be able to see them coming from either teleporter).
    - One of the side mancannons will pass the bomb very close to one of the enemy's lifts, making it the quickest way to score in the game, given proper coordination.

    To balance out these advantages it is harder to get a point from the lifts and, even when the bomb does make it into the lift, it is not guaranteed to land in the hoop. Feeling lucky?

    [aname=traits]Player Traits[/aname]
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    We will not be listing the different gametype traits just to show off meaningless numbers. Instead we'll describe how the different traits affect gameplay.

    Base Traits

    The most notable details of your basic traits are as follows:

    - You are only equipped with a shotgun, this means you have a very short damage range.
    - One clean shotgun blast plus a beatdown is enough to take out other regular players, as well as yourself!
    - You have a low jumping height.
    - You have no radar.

    Bomb Carrier Traits

    The bomb carrier's traits differ from the regular traits as follows:

    - You move very slowly, which is why it is advisable to dribble the ball if you want to get anywhere!
    - You can take more damage, approximately 2 to 3 extra shotgun blasts. Bear in mind though that while dribbling you will still be very vunerable everytime you drop the ball.
    - You can take out regular players in one beatdown and will also regain all your shields (provided their shields were also full) immediately after the kill. This makes you incredibly deadly should a player foolishly get close enough to you...but then, they're fools!
    - You jump much higher, this is so you can actually score! (It helps!)
    - Your shields won't regenerate normally, this means a regenerator will not help you unless you drop the bomb.
    - You get a radar, so you can defend against assassination attempts!

    Custom Powerup Traits

    You'll pickup a custom powerup every time you enter the court, so think of these traits more like "starting traits". The traits will only last 4 seconds but they are, for the most part, beneficial.

    When you read the effects you may think they're overpowering, but bear in mind that 4 seconds is not long and when you respawn with a bunch of enemies at your hoop, chances are you'll be on your own! Add to that it will only take the bomb carrier mere seconds to score and you'll realise you need all the help you can get! Here are their key effects:

    - You can withstand one extra shotgun blast from an enemy player and the bomb carrier's beatdown will not insta-kill you but will fully deplete your shields instead.
    - You deal more damage, so you can one hit kill regular players as long as you are within range and it will take one less shotgun blast than normal to kill the bomb carrier.
    - You get a radar, to help against spawn camping.
    - You move slightly slower, be warned that you will not be able to outrun the bomb carrier if he is good at dribbling!
    - Your colour will temporarily be white, so others can identify whether you still have the starting traits or not.


    [aname=advanced]Advanced Tactics[/aname]
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    As well as the gameplay details mentioned earlier, there are more advanced tactics that can give you the edge over your enemy should you choose to raise your game! These are minor nuances that can give you a small tactical advantage, maybe just when you need it most. It is not imperative that you learn these straight away, I would advise playing a few games first.

    Advanced Dribbling

    You've hopefully got a grasp of the basic form of dribbling; picking up the bomb, dropping it, picking it up, dropping it, e.t.c. The reason you do this is to move the bomb while keeping your speed (you move slower when holding the bomb remember?).

    The more advanced form of dribbling is the MLG Pro tactic way, like they do in CTF games. This method involves jumping just before you grab the bomb, so that you are in mid-air when the bomb's traits take effect; this stops you losing as much speed. Drop the bomb the instant you've picked it up, while in mid-air, and you'll throw it forwards while you retain your momentum. This method will allow you to travel with the bomb faster than you can the regular way, just be careful you don't throw it forward right into the enemy's hands!

    Advanced Slam Dunk

    The more traditional method of a slam dunk, the one that feels most intuitive, is for the player to be holding the bomb while jumping onto his partner's head when reaching for the hoop. This method is a bit slow though, because you jump so high it takes a long time for you to fall back down onto your partner's head; this is valuable time unnecessarily wasted!

    Here's a better way: Have your partner jump onto your head instead! While you hold the bomb, let your partner jump on top of you; it will be a much quicker hop than one with the bomb. Once they're on your head, let go of the bomb so they can pick it up. As soon as your partner has the bomb he can jump straight up into the hoop. If you're coordinated and have a reliable partner to setup with then this way is better.

    Advanced Regenerator-Mancannon

    Throwing the regenerator near one of the mancannons allows you to be affected by them, as well as the bomb.

    A great tactic to pull off is to hold the bomb at your end of the court and wait for the enemy to get at least half way across the playing field. Next you throw the regenerator near one of your back mancannons and jump in while still holding the bomb. You will be catapulted to the centre of the court, but if you immediately jump again you will retain your momentum and your next landing will put you right next to the enemy's hoop! Since the enemy are still half a court away, you will have a few seconds to take advantage of the situation and score yourself a point! You sneaky bastard!

    [aname=apics]Action Screenshots[/aname]
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    [aname=links]Download Links[/aname]
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    #1 buddhacrane, Jun 2, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2010
  2. The1wHoOwnSu08

    The1wHoOwnSu08 Forerunner

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    HOLY SHIIIITTTTTTTT amazing map, its a little like the soccer gametype but its in basketball form download for me@
  3. TehForger

    TehForger Ancient
    Senior Member

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    WOW, amazing post...I LOVE THIS MAP. So much thought went into this map and it really shows, but I really wish the plasma pistol works I think it fits the Basketball theme more!
  4. forgenarb

    forgenarb Ancient

    Likes Received:
    wow, kudos on making a truely original basketball map. this is so much more realistic (and probibly more fun) than the 1000 basketball games i've seen which are just griffball with the goals raised up a little.

    the last thing i'd like to mention is how awsome the mechanisms in this map are, but then again i wouldn't expect anything less from some of the paradox forgers
  5. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I thoroughly enjoyed playing this map EVERY time I played it, and you guys even Improved it beyond the original amazing map!

    The mechanics are just Mind-blowing, and you guys made the aesthetics fantastic and...GAH its just overall amazing!
  6. xzBLUE HAZEzx

    xzBLUE HAZEzx Forerunner

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    This is awesome! I haven't played yet, but the looks are amazing and I can tell the gameplay will be great. Great job, and a DL from me.
  7. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
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    I got a chance to play a few games with you guys and I thoroughly enjoyed myself with all aspects of the game. The game definitely takes a fair amount of teamwork if you plan on winning by more than just pure luck. My favorite was using the regen to launch the ball across the court to the ready waiting hands of my team for a quick score, or intercepting the ball from the same strategy. I'm definitely glad I can actually play a good basketball game that took a little more effort to make than a plant on the wall grifball style.

    Good work guys, Pro'Sketball is worth some hard drive space.
  8. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's about damn time you got the thread posted! Ever since its early iterations, I knew that this game had potential and you've all certainly delivered in that regard. Excellent job with everything! Dribbling has to be my favorite mechanic though. It's really cool and well-executed per Halo 3's mechanics.

    I'm looking forward to competing against other groups in the IGBL using this map/gametype!
  9. Mander

    Senior Member

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    Ah it's finally done. I think that may be the longest testing phase I've ever had for a map. Buddha, you were a great partner to work with, and although, at times, this was a real ***** to forge on, the end result was well worth it. Your innovative ways of thinking are what really pushed this map beyond the boundaries. I'm just glad I could help. Thanks for all the positive feedback everybody!
    #9 Mander, Jun 3, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2010
  10. TecH

    TecH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great map Buddha and Mander, you two did an outstanding job with this map. I love the roof add on! Cuz when I tested it, that wasn't there. But yes, great game play, and terrific forging.
    I'm still not the biggest fan of the name but what evs, you guys would never change it to what I told you guys to! :p

    Awesome Job!
  11. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sweet Jesus, I hope this game plays out better than the NBA playoffs! This looks so freakin' fun. I'm definitely gonna have to check it out. Good work, buddha and Mander!
  12. Sparky09

    Sparky09 Ancient

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    This was a great game. I found it to be fun and the closet we'll ever get to Halo Basketball. The contraptions are genius, the hoop is let alone brilliant and simple, while the Slam-Dunk mechanism is sheer brilliant. The man cannons are a great addition the map as well, and just look great sitting in their spots. From looks, the map is great. It's as though you've created a griffball court in it's own style.

    I'm glad that you were able to bring a weapon into a game like this. The sword is used commonly in sport games, and the Shotgun really improved the game-play and fun factor. Dribbling requires teamwork, and pulling off a shot or slam dunk makes the player feel like a bad-ass.

    I had a great time testing out this map with you, and the post looks organized and great. Definitively a must have.
  13. DIEabolical

    DIEabolical Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey guys thanx for letting me test this beast. Best basketball map ever!
  14. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    OMG , I have wanted to make a basket ball map since forever but could never figure out how to get points from getting the ball in the hoop , its so obvious now I've seen how you done it. (opens up a hole new world of forgeing opportunity's for me)

    Nice work!
  15. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Haven't played it yet but will hopefully get a bunch of people to play it. It looks and sounds like a really enjoyable game. The court looks great, the gametype sounds awesome and there seems to be a lot of thought put into developing the whole thing.
    Will download this and give it a try. Its an awesome new game which probably deserves a feature or at least some form of recognition throughout the halo community.
  16. heavenseven77

    heavenseven77 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Love this map, looks awesome.
  17. Dark Swerk

    Dark Swerk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I liked how you put a little creativty into this one instead of just making a big room with 2 hoops. I can't wait to try this map out 10/10
    I also like the way you presented it instead of just plain pictures :)
    #17 Dark Swerk, Jun 23, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2010
  18. Mander

    Senior Member

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    We have updated the gametype with a slight change that allows more scoring per round and increases the action. If you've already downloaded the previous gametype, you may want to delete it and try out the new one as we find it plays better. The gametype download link on the main post has been updated. Thanks for the comments, and enjoy!
  19. spankysully

    spankysully Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great job guys, was fun testing and messing around with ya. im still surprised i couldnt break it lol.
  20. Scooter75 68

    Scooter75 68 Forerunner

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    nm, dl 4 me ty

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