I'm thinking of killing the border or making it not overlay. What do you reckon? Edit: V2 (Thick border) V3 (Barely any border) Tbh, I thinking scrap the border alltogether now.
Funnily enough, I actually did, but didn't post it here. I also cropped a little off the right because it was distracting.
Dude, whatever you did with those effects, they are totally awesome. I would recommend creating a tutorial..
i like it, but its just too much with the effects, maybe lower the opacity of some of the layers or some areas of it so the fx dont look to heavy.
I don't get the effects. The white mist behind him looks like a broken waterfall to me, and the white blotches in front look really pixelated when compared with the spartan. I don't get any sense of flow from the sig, the effects just seem to be there. Also it's rather flat, there's not really much lighting going on. I will say this though, I really like the text. The font is nice and actually matches quite well.
Thanks for the hoenst crit, Effected. I really appreciate it. The pixelated blotches aren't deliberate; that's my lack of good PS brushes. Need to dig out my old GIMP ones. >.< I still need to work out flow. It's something which is never really explained, but just sort of...appears after a certain time. Lighting wise, I actually forgot to add some in. Lol. All these things help me get better, so I genuinely appreciate the critique.