I just have some quick questions: 1-How do you block off the guardian towers in sandbox? 2-How do you get past the blue lines in the skybox? If you are wondering, I am in fact making a giant ship. It might be a frigate or something bigger. If you can answer any of my questions, I would appreciate it very much. Thanks in advance.
Ghost merging will let you forge through the blue lines, and if you wanna go deeper check out the more advanced version of counter merging. If you want to block the guardians either dl a map that has them blocked (gimme sec and I'll have a linky) or place double walls or another object directly in front of the shooter. To do so first overload the map (which will also disable those barriers and the blue lines) by throwing bagillions of trip mines. Then pick up your object and go near one of the towers and float it right in front of the light either by savequit or ghosting. If you get too close you will die. But.... Waiting for the link might easier. here ya go. http://www.bungie.net/online/halo3usercontentdetails.aspx?h3fileid=68466285
You have to get of the sky bubble (push a teleporter out then save and quit). Go through the teleporter, go up to Guardians one by one and save/quit method an object over the light of the guardian. As for the lines, you have to do the teleporter save/quit method but from the ground level looking up. PM if you have any other questions.
is it possible to get a map with some guardian towers left open so it could only allow a section of the sand dunes available
itès easier when you use big objects like tubes or wedge longs, ect. You may need extra objects for one of them because it has a short death barrier. You have to angle the objects you use lo block with in a position that makes it so that it blocks certain areas of the map while leaving other areas open. i know some people did it already on a tremorès map by I believe lightsout225(cant remember name) and i know Rifte did it for his asset convoy map on sandbox (cant remember the name either)