rifte gifle, cory21, coyote1023 8-16 players Map Download: Pipeworks Gameytype Download: BT Rush The sequel to the map, Coolant Fields by Coyote1023 and I, Pipeworks is set on Rat's Nest and gives Big Team combat a whole new hectic name. This map was built by myself, Coyote1023 and cory021 many months ago. For a while, it was long forgotten until very recently when several epic games pushed me into releasing this. Encompassing almost the entire map, Pipeworks is linear, making all the action much more compact. In short, if you get a 16 person party and enjoy big team madness, Pipeworks is definitely something you will enjoy. Expect massive car pile-ups. The way this map is meant to be played is simple. It uses a gametype called "BT Rush" which is essentially Conquest with big teams and lots of vehicles. For those of you who do not know what conquest is, it's a gametype that uses a linear map with all the territories connected meaning that you will always be in a territory. To win, teams will need to capture and hold as many territories as possible before the round ends. Territories can be retaken. Note that there is a 30 second sudden death round. Each spawn area also has a custom powerup. Upon pickup, it will turn you into a spartan- the biggest BAMF on the playing field for 90 seconds. You're stronger, better, faster, jump higher, but the downside is that you can't drive vehicles although you can still enter passenger and hijack. Map Video YouTube - Pipeworks A step up from the Coolant Fields video, no? Pictures Map Download: Pipeworks Gameytype Download: BT Rush
cool map dewd. It reminds me a lot of Last Bird Out, which by the way was awesome. Im glad you and your friends are finally getting around to releasing your old maps, there all a load of fun.
Awesome, I honestly had alot issues with this map. Did you fix some? Also what is the name of that song in the video? I remember playing it on Rock Band. Just can't remember the name. Also can you explain to the members about how you and me made almost simular maps. (Just wait until I release it first). I know the only differences is Gametypes and What road we each took. But it almost simular. I give her a look whenever I play Halo 3 again. (Contest Thing). It doesn't look like conquest, It looks like Vechicular Manslaughter. Right now from the pics, It looks awesome.
It'd be pretty constructive of you if you would kindly name the issues. The song is called Here it Goes by Ok Go. Honestly Devil, I would not compare this map to yours in any way. Both maps play in opposite directions for starters and the only similarities our two maps share is that they exist on the exterior circle of Rats Nest. Now tell me though, how many maps are like that? I can think a few right off the back. coyote, cory and I started this map back last year dude, we didn't copy/steal from you if that's what you're implying.
I really enjoy the fact that foot soldiers really distinguish this map from Coolant Fields. It's nice to see vehicles and individual players fighting side-by-side throughout the game and definitely creates that hectic gameplay that everyone is talking about. The game is much more concentrated towards a team's ability to work together on foot and in vehicles until the can reach the opposing team's spawn. But if I do remember correctly from the testing session I played on this map a while ago, it was really balanced and there was a lot of good fighting in most of the parts of the map. Nice work guys...
It sucks when you have people who have made great maps but are not getting very uch attention for it from thne fact that itès on Rats Nest. I had a great time playing yesterday and this thread looks great. Love the video too, your getting better but it felt a bit boring beccause there was a lot of repetitivness with the camera only going back and forth through action scenes. Fantastic job on the end after the 2 minutes mark.
wow this is an very very old map haha i remember testing this lol. Great map i loved playing it it was so much fun but like a full party was overkill i thought.