Ok then, so I'm in the market for a brand spanking new HDTV to be used primarily for gaming. I'd appreciate some recommendations from anyone in the know. I'm looking for something 32inch with VGA input, low lag and at least 3 HDMI input ports. thankuverymuch
Don't get a sony, they break the day after the warranty; I'd bet money on it. At least their consistent in that respect...get a Toshiba.
I have two TV's, one 40'' 1080p Samsung, one 32'' Samsung 720p. My brother has a Sony 40'' Bravia. My father has a 60'' Sony Grand Wega. The 40'' Bravia plays movies real nice and has a really sharp color to it. My Samsung 40'' has nice color to it when playing Video games. Both brands of TV's are great. I've also had good experiences with Toshiba. Sony for TV and movies, Samsung for games. I just got my 32'' Samsung around three months ago, it does have 3 HDMI inputs, I have to go to my fiancee's house to find the actual TV box with the serial code. Meh found it on the internet. I wouldn't pay more than 350 dollars for this TV. Click the 360 view to see what the TV looks like. 32" 720p LCD HDTV- NEW LN32C350 32" 720p LCD HDTV- NEW - LCD TV - Televisions | SAMSUNG Also the stand is made of glass and it is frikin nice.
i have a phillips,and may I say the HD is B-E-A-utifal.Also,almost no lag,At the most 1/8th of a second. It HAS to be on the wall,and you wont regret listenng to me.
Right here bro, look no further. I have the same one, and its pretty much the most amazing thing ive ever owned. Definatly worth it, considering its really great quality, and pretty cheap too.
I'm thinking about getting this one: KDL-32EX402 (KDL32EX402) : Overview : TV and Home Cinema : Sony Anyone had any experience with this set? And the TV you posted TZ does seem pretty impressive I may spring for that, just like to get all my options on the table.
I've done a bit of searching for you.. Samsungs are by far the best TV's on the market IMO. You can even go into the manufacturing settings and fiddle with them to fine tweak them even more (although that's not recommended) SAMSUNG LCD TV Series 6 LE32B650 32" 1080p LCD 2009 - LCD TV - Television | SAMSUNG That's the TV I think will do you well. I can't find it on amazon.com/.co.uk or ebay.com. There is one on ebay.co.uk ATM with 9 days left but that will be quite expensive in US dollars. Hope that helps. BTW, there are more, just search on the samsung website and fiddle with the bar on the left. I think theres also an american samsung website, so that may do you better. EDIT: Didn't realise it was you roche, you live in the UK, so that will be fine.. Just click the find in local retailer on the link and you should find it even easier.
Your not going to want a 1080p 32'' TV. With 1080p you will get lag, and the 32'' display will not display 1080p at its best as does a 40'' that is made to display 1080p. The link I gave earlier was for a newer model, this is the model I have here. Listen Soul Sister, your sweet moonbeam choose the Samsung, before the Samsung gods come and smite thee!
Yeah with sonys ive had no problems right when i bought them, but over time a huge lag started appearing and in my experience they are extremely liable to have the 'frozen screen' issue where you have an image of a past gaming experience burned into the television. It has something to do with the semi glass screen protector. Get a samsung, best TV ive ever used. And its got pretty colors to boot!
32" is way too big for a gaming tv. If you care that much about your performance, i wouldnt go above 30 because you will play worse, and if you don't care, then why do you care about the lagg? Nevertheless, Samsung are always the most reputable brand in my opinion. Best balance of performance, style and price. I think Panasonic do the best TV's though.
Thanks for searching for me, I'll probably be going with a Samsung From what everyone has said, though from what TZ said I should probably be going with a 720P set. That TV is currently on the top of my list based on what everyone's said I may end up picking it up, thanks for the help. I want a nice balance between quality and performance, I'd like the best possible in this size.
Do not get a 32" 1080p, as TZ said. the difference between 720 and 1080 is nigh indistinguishable on TVs smaller than 40" Furthermore, don't get a sony. I did a ton of research a few months ago when I was looking to buy a TV and found the same complaints about sonys crapping out like someone else mentioned here.
Damnit Sarge, ive got a name! :,( Im gonna go cry in a corner now. Anyway, pretty much what you want for perfection is closer to a Samsung 30" Widescreen 720. However if you are sitting more than five feet from your TV go with a slightly bigger one. Panasonic is great, but i have also had better customer service with Samsung. I dropped my tv on accident while moving it upstairs and they replaced it free.
About the Sony's crapping out, you know people are more inclined to complain about a product because they feel it is sort of revenge. I wonder what the real ratio is.
congrats on the new tv! It's a pretty great choice My brother and I both had a sony LCD that died, but my uncle has had an old projector style tv that's lasted like nine years. So I'd have to say it's more of a recent problem anyway, but my current ratio of dead to alive is 2:1. How bout you?
Well we had some old (and I mean 10 years+ old) Sony tvs that still worked when we replaced them about 2-3 years ago. Currently we have one Sony (either LCD or plasma, I think LCD) downstairs, and it has been running fine for those 2-3 years.