Sandbox CHOP

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by ghostpoo, Apr 24, 2010.

  1. ghostpoo

    ghostpoo Forerunner

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    This is a map built in the Crypt in Sandbox that is essentially a chopper area. Thus the name Chop Arena. Players spawn on the outside of the area with hammers and brute shots with infinite ammo, and the objective of the game is to kill 20 people. The only catch is that only splatter kills count toward your kills. There is also a spawn at the top of the shaft that every once in a while people have to jump down to enter the area.

    Equipment Spawns all over the edges of the area for use in the madness!










    This is honestly one of the most fun mini games I have ever made and played so enjoy!
    #1 ghostpoo, Apr 24, 2010
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2010
  2. ToxikPandaKoi

    ToxikPandaKoi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like a pretty fun game. I like how you kept it simple although in your pictures it seems like you would run out of vehicles in big parties, and seeing that only splatter kills give you points it seems like that would kind of mess up the gametype. ?
  3. ghostpoo

    ghostpoo Forerunner

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    on the original version on foundry yes that was a problem, but on sandbox there is rarely a time when there are no vehicles. I set the min on map for choppers to be four so it usually takes only 5-10 seconds for a chopper to spawn. and the splatter only rule is really what makes the game fun and keeps the rules working. Without the splatter only rule, people sit in corners and use the chopper guns. Players spawn with hammers and brute shots not only to defend themselves but also to propell choppers into other players.
  4. Z0MB13 KILL3R

    Z0MB13 KILL3R Forerunner

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    put a custom power up in the middle of the bridge, and try ghost merging the odd few ramps and blocks into the floor

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