The Cave V4 V4 V3 Below. With my love of zombies, and my imagination, The Cave came to life. It wasn't something that just popped into my head, it mainly took time thinking of what I could do to make an infection mini-game. While browsing the new maps on Forgehub, I came across one amazing map, The Hollow. This map is what mostly inspired me to create The Cave's appearance. The Objective of the game is to either A: Consume brains, or B: Survive. There is only one person that starts off at the end of the cave with a Battle rife and a Magnum with Unlimited ammo. V4 below V3 below Zombies spawn at the other end of the tunnel, seeking out to kill the survior. The Zombie traits are: Shields and health Spoiler Damage resistance: 50% Shield Multiplier: Unchanged Shield Recharge Rate: 0% Shield Vampirism: Unchanged Immune to Headshots: Disabled Four body shots from the BR will kill a full shield zombie Two headshots from the BR will kill a full shield zombie Five body shots from a Magnum will kill a full shield zombie Three headshots will kill a full shield zombie Weapons and Damage Spoiler Damage Modifier: Unchanged Primary Weapon: Energy sword Secondary Weapon: None Grenade Count: None Grenade Regeneration: Unchanged Infinite Ammo: Enabled Weapon Pickup: Disabled Movement Spoiler Player speed: 50% Player gravity: 150% Vehicle use: None Appearance Spoiler Active Camo: Good Camo Waypoint: Unchanged Forced Color: Black For the survivor, Everything is the same, Besides Player Speed: 90% and Player Gravity: 200% and players cannot enter vehicles. Once a zombie is killed, a Way-point is placed over the zombie's head for five seconds, to give the survivor a sense of which way the invisible zombies will be coming. Now that the gametype is finished being described, Lets move on to the game play and aesthetics. The Outside Cave/Tunnel(Non-accessible.) The Outside Zombie spawn (Non-accessible.) The Cave/Tunnel plus the Zombie spawn extend completely across the map along the gold line, giving the Survivor some time to spot out the slow moving zombies. If the Survivor doesn't kill them in time, They can Unlock a check point. v4 Blue checkpoint is closer to the zombie spawn. v3 V4 Red is closer to the survivor. v3 V4 To activate the checkpoint, the zombies must push the warthog backwards off the checkpoint, But if they don't kill the survivor within a certain amount of time, They will respawn. The Warthogs sit on top of receiver nodes, keeping them blocked (No you can't crouch jump into the node and spawn on top of the warthogs.) V4. Teleporters are flipped over on the opposite wall. V3 These Teleporters are at the Zombie spawn and will send you to the Checkpoints that are unlocked. Blue Warthogs spawn in 60 seconds Red Warthogs spawn in 45 Half way point (v4 has 2 coils.) There is two fusion coils between the Red and Blue checkpoints, and it is the center of the whole map. They can show you where zombies are, if it doesn't kill them first! --- V4 Edit: In the new version 4, There isn't a podium that holds the trip mine when it spawns. V4 V3 no longer exists V4 After 90 seconds into the game, a Trip mine spawns in the tunnel above the Survivor. He can toss it down the slope and use it for an emergency situation. Emergency Situation Please give me feedback, This is the first post that I have done, so critic would be great! DOWNLOAD THE CAVE AND DEFENDER
The first picture makes this looks sexy The cave style is very neat and just gets me staring at it for awhile... It sort of reminds me of Kiddie Lane and Purple monsters.
Up should have made the cave Hallways walls look cavey rather than straight, but yeah I guess this looks prety fun
this looks amazing, you clearly know what you are doing on forge. I love the whole concept of stealth that the zombies have to use and the checkpoints are a great idea. 5/5
the layout is great and your forging is pretty sick but the warthog looks like it would be an issue, humans hop in warthog, then zombies start cussing cuz the humans are untouchable
@Inimical I am: The human can't get in the warthog, I've already thought about that! @Cartograph: Yeah, I thought about doing the whole map, But I didn't really feel like Ghost merging everything. Maybe you'll see a V4? And thanks guys! I've had this map made for awhile, but I could never really figure out how to upload them (Yes. Infact I did feel like a noob.) I also have a lot more maps, and they will be coming out soon!
I presume you know how to ghost-merge from the roof, so I would suggest merging the tubes into the ground to save pieces (i.e. all of the little ramps on the sides) unless the little slope to the sides was intentionally desired. I want to complement you on location- the gold stripe down the middle is a genius location. Also the wood at the end of the tunnel and the continuation of the gold vertically is stunning. A little side suggestion is the colored columns at the sender nodes someone can jump on which could be a distraction. I would make them a full column high, but keep the color. Also, some of the colored columns in the main cave are placed out of line. I like the fact that it is enclosed. This makes gameplay more legitimate, and avoids a random issue of escape.
@E Inglorious 3: Zombies have high gravity which makes them not able to jump, so they can't make it. Its the same for a human. (And in my last post, I did say I used Ghost merging.) And yes, i did mean for the slopes to be there. I don't see the point of ghost merging unless its a necessity. --- V4 is up.
this just looks beautiful, and yes that first picture is kinda sexy in a way. have you tryed giving the zombies deployable covers and turning the lights down with effects?
I'm liking the feel of this map. I can't download at the moment, my Xbox decided to take a trip to Red Ring Land, but I expect it back within the week. Some constructive criticism: Not a whole lot I can see wrong with it, just maybe next time don't take pictures in Forge. Also, why use vehicles to block the nodes instead of something more moveable? I don't understand the thought process, but maybe I will when I get my 'box back. Keep up the good work, Love, --Zero
Ok so I tried this map with 12 people and, well first I must say everybody first said that the forging is simply amazing. But, once we started playing everyone's perspective of the game changed. The humans never lasted long at all because of the invisible zombies. I was never a human myself because everyone made me end the game, but it seemed like it was way too hard to see the zombies. I love the concept of the game and the warthog/teleporter idea, it was just really difficult for the human. Is it sopposed to be extremely hard for the human? Or what?