Sandbox Block Fort

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Kilenum, Apr 7, 2010.

  1. Kilenum

    Kilenum Ancient
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    This map is very close to the actual size accept for the whole rim around the outside is small I ran out of money and pieces. The gametype is regenerating grenades all types. One driver One shooter If a teammate dies kill yourself so you respawn with him 3 kills or 3 balloons if you will end the game.Give it try let me know what you think. i will make this again in reach much better gametype. Max players 8 Min. players 4

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    Here are some pics:[​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
    #1 Kilenum, Apr 7, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2010
  2. just defy

    just defy Ancient
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    OMG!!! epic.. is this that thing from super mario? i think you should add some lights underneath... would be nice ^_*
  3. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    Well this has been done before and sorry to say much better than this. I wont rip on it too much seeing as i have never played it, but it doesnt look that amazing and it lacks some crucial parts. It would be nice to have walls covering the giant gaps. Your best bet is to recreate it in the crypt. It is a perfect size and you could make a great map.
    I do understand you ran out of objects so it would be difficult so i hope i didnt just crush your self esteem.
  4. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    You mean Super Mario Karts

    it looks like nearly perfect to the one on the nintendo 64 but the scale is a bit to bike but never mind that it looks pretty amazing
  5. Ferocious Leaf

    Ferocious Leaf Ancient

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    yeah, i have some problems with the lack of railings and gaps, if you redid it in the crypt though you wouldn't have to recreate the floor and you could use a lot more pieces.
  6. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    I love the idea (Someone said it's been done before, I'm not aware of this.). I think there are ways you could make it feel more like Mario Kart though, here are some suggestions:

    -As others have said, is it possible to build this in the crypt, or is there not enough room? If you can make it fit then it will free up more objects. I understand that's quite a big change but I'm just throwing it out there... Even if it can't be done in the crypt, surely it could be done on the mid level? Then you wouldn't need to create a "Ground" and you could add walls.

    -You could add some "Powerups" to the map to make it feel more like the hectic battles of Mario Kart. Pick ups like a Trip Mine (Banana Peels), Rocket Launcher (Green Shells), Custom Powerup (Invincibility Star), Needler (Red Shells). You could change it so that grenades don't regenerate and have those as pickups too.

    -You could change the gametype to VIP so that there are teams of two, where the VIP is the driver and the other member is the weapon's guy. You could use the VIP Area of effect traits so that the weapon's guy only does damage if he's right next to the VIP (essentially, he has to be in the car). The VIP would also do no damage and move super slow (ensuring he would want to be in the car), the weapon's guy has to do the killing.

    So yeah, it's a cool idea, I just think you could really push it up to the next level of detail and polish if you really went for it. Good luck.
  7. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
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    hmm.. For gametypes, 3 kills win? I would say KOTH with everywhere covered, say everyone GETS 3 lives, then last one wins.

    however, 2 player, so :/

    would my KOTH thing work with a VIP destination? then VIP has to be alive for it to work, otherwise you are driving around (like the ghosts on the DS game)
  8. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    This has been done before, and in fact it was in the crypt, this is a very good attempt though. It actually looks almost exactly like the Block Fort in Super Mario Kart 64. The only concerns I have are only 3 points to win? and the gaps on the ramps going up, could you fill those up possibly in a v2?
  9. Ursus

    Ursus Ancient
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    You ran out of money and pieces? Did you use as many default objects as possible, or budget glitch it? It looks really faithful, so kudos for that.
  10. Kilenum

    Kilenum Ancient
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    A bit to bike? Someone Anyone???
  11. CHAOS x ENGiNE

    CHAOS x ENGiNE Forerunner

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    In Mario Kart balloon battle you get 3 balloons, then you're out. I can see where he tried to fit this in but it would have worked better for everyone to have a 3 life limit.
  12. Kilenum

    Kilenum Ancient
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    I hust wanted to say the crypt is way to small for this map I started there and worked my way up and tryed each level of sandbox. The skybubble was the only one that it could fit in. The gaps going up the ramps used to be closed off but I ran outa money before I was done so I had to erase. Thanks for all the comments please dl.
  13. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    As others have said, it's been done, however, I believe only this level has been done, why none of the other ones (to my knowledge) haven't been, is beyond me.

    I feel like the level with the big lava pit and that other multi-leveled one would be pretty fun. Regardless though, I've seen the block fort one done twice before I believe, both of which were in the crypt, which really helped gameplay.
  14. Kilenum

    Kilenum Ancient
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    I tried to get as close the game as possible without weapons. Regenerating stickies is the best i could do. If I would have interlocked I would not even have come close to the right size. It is still short a wall width all the way around the outside. Believe me it's really close to the real n64 game i have it and went from 64 to xbox making it.
  15. GiLLimAnjaRo

    GiLLimAnjaRo Ancient
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    Another fine map.
  16. Z0MB13 KILL3R

    Z0MB13 KILL3R Forerunner

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    Nice map, i suggest using a budget glitch to allow more forging capabilitys

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