YouTube - Nintendo 3DS 2010 - How it will look like! YouTube - Sony PS3 3D No information on Microsofts plan. I think they're planning to combat it with Project Natal, but nothing else I heard of.
... To be honest, personally this doesn't get me excited, not only becuase I sold my DS and don't own a PS3 but because when I go to see a film in 3D, i dont think that i enjoy it anymore than I would have if it were in 2D, but thats only my personal preference.
Honestly, I think 3d will be cheesy, like in movies. I also think it will lower the quality of the image.
If that's how you want to play, then how about I introduce you to a happy little place called Frag's World, jackass. I don't care if this is the promised land, or shitland. Laziness is the same everywhere. Now if you're going to try and pull one of my stunts, you and I are going to have a loooong month. If I wanted a very poor political jackassed explanation, I would have asked Hilary Clinton. At least SHE'D give something worth listening to.
Is that really all you have to say? I thought a two year old could come up with something better. Haha? Really? Go **** in your pants somewhere else. Frag's World is my world. Where I get to be the egotistical bastard that everyone loves, and you get to be the ***** that cooks me food for fun. Come, feed me more of your very "intellectual" comebacks so I can start having fun.
Your right actually, the DS's take does seem awesome, oh and I'd watched both of the videos when I first posted.