Map Title: Archainis Deck the halls, with blood. Download link: Download Gametype: Download Dark King Description: I've been thinking about ways to start off my FH "career", and I think that I have finally come up with a good map. Archainis is based off of one central hill. Players spawn on the outer ring of the arena, and work their way toward the "courtyard." I am the type of person that would enjoy ideas to improve my maps, so reply after downloading! Here are some screenshots
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I see you used Imageshack actually. Take the direct link (Bottommost link Imageshack gives you). Put it between this code: Code: [img]DIRECT LINK[/img] And it will make them normal sized.
ok i see the pics, the map looks great, and the hallway with all the doors intrigues me, but in your first pic i see 2 snipers next to each other, what are their saettings? because it could get disastorous, but that my opinion.
the pictures make this map look interesting. the interlocking is very neatly done and the bridge is straight. i will d/l and give it a play through and give u my impressions Edit: Link doesn't work i will try again
Yeah sorry Iv0ry, the original gametype had "weapons on map" set to snipers, but I am working on changing the screens. BTW - The "weird" hallway is really ment for a duck 'n' cover/instant kill gametype of slayer or T slayer. Hey, its my first map! I'm working on a new as we speak, and it's looking ten times better than Archainis. I'd say that I'm improving!
Looks interesting. I'll give it a go, see what it's like. Another thing: Do you have to use flickr now? does Image Shack not work anymore?
You need to edit your download link When you click it, it attempts to take you too "http://http//" Which obviously will not work. It needs to be
Two Sniper rifles right next to each other definitely doesn't look like a good thing. Other than that, good interlocking.
i agree with ivory two snipers in a solid fixture could be a camp fest kinda like HC snowbound, whoever gets the sniper and holds it usuelly wins, they just sit then headshot when the time is right
the two snipers next to eachother doesn't look really great for gameplay, but the hallway with doors looks awwwesome