
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LD, Jun 1, 2010.

  1. LD

    LD Ancient
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    Pest is my third and final Conquest Map in Halo 3.
    Like eden, it's located at the Top of the Crypt's roof. Originally it was supposed to be built at Sandbox's Ground Level, but the Object Limit crossed my plans.

    I've choosen a 'setting' for the fist time on any of my Maps, Pest is supposed to be an ancient sewer. The Map itself is very Dark, the only Lights I've used are blue to give Pest a opressive atmosphere. The atmosphere of a narrow, dark sewer can also be seen at parts of the map, where you think you are going to hit your head, because of the low ceiling. But the narrow parts don't dominate, the middle territory for example is one of the biggest and widest I have ever seen on a Conquest Map.
    Another thing I have never seen on a Conquest Map are Man Cannons. When you reach the third territory, you have to drop down to be able to conquer the middle one. To get to the enemys third territory, you have to use one of the three man cannons placed at the end of the middle territory. This creates a very unique and fun chokepoint that stands out from other Conquest Maps.


    I got Bungie Pro .. just for you guys <3

    Download Links:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Msg me if the pictures arn't working, the Download Link is broken, you House is on fire, there are too many mistakes i my text for you to overlook or your Mom feels lonely, thanks for reading <3
  2. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    My. All of your conquest maps amaze me.

    They all present a slightly new aspect to the game without entirely changing the game.

    As with the others, the forging of this map is very clean and very beautiful to look at which is betrothed to the fact that Conquest lends itself to simple linear gameplay that you take advantage of fully to create absolutely stunning stages of death.

    Simply put, great job. I see a premium over your name in the near future.

    oh. and... 1st =D
  3. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Wow, this is one high quality Conquest map. I will definitely download and play a few games on it. The aesthetics really are like nothing I've ever seen before.

    The man-cannons. Those are my only concern. They really are a clever design, and, as far as I know, original in a Conquest map. They just look like a lot of 'chaotic' gameplay, for lack of a better word. I'm not sure if this a good or a bad thing. I guess I'll have to try it out myself.
  4. LD

    LD Ancient
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    The trajectory of the players that used the man cannons is very short and the streigh of the man cannons is weaker than usually, so this may not be such a big problem as it may sound in theory.
  5. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
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    The one thing I noticed that could be improved is how the mancannon seems to slam you into the wall in the video. Perhaps you could make the ceiling slope downwards a little bit so you don't simply stay in the air for so long?

    PILGRIM Ancient
    Senior Member

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    A very well made map but i don't know many sewers made out of gold :L
  7. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    I lol'd

    Anyway, I am growing to be very jealous of your forging abilities, and Pest is not helping. Everything looks brilliant, and fits the theme incredibly well. I barely ever download conquest maps, but this one is getting a download. Once I have a playtest, I'll give you a full review. And if I don't, you have permission to eat my family, because I've said that about 5 times this week.
  8. Fatgezzer724

    Fatgezzer724 Ancient
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    Most Conquest maps i see are epic, and so is this one. I love the design of the area t4 is placed in, I can't wait to see if bungie do us a favour and put conquest in reach=D
  9. BakedNinja

    BakedNinja Forerunner

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    awesome maps bro, loved conquest the moment i tired it with the help of your epic looking maps. Terrible to see you say this is your last map
  10. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Damnit LD, now i have to wait until like a week after your feature for this so that my own current conquest map isnt ignored for this one. I have to say i think that this is definatly the best of your conquest maps ever. Im just wondering though; if they keep getting better and better why did you decide you were done with conquest maps? This easily has the best layout of any of them that ive played, the mancannon idea may be the most brilliant ive ever seen in a map AND you executed it perfectly, and it has the best gameplay (im my opinion.) Im kinda sad to see you done with these works of art. May i ask if you are still going to be forging other types of maps though?
  11. zx Apollyon xz

    zx Apollyon xz Forerunner

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    Awesome map man! I can't wait to try it out. I also agree with some other members, your maps always put a new aspect into Halo.
  12. LD

    LD Ancient
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    I don't think Pest will be featured, Eden was featured a month ago, I think the time between them is just too short, even if it was 'good enough' to be.

    I don't stop forging at all, I'll just stop doing Conquest Maps. I always want to improve, to be the very best, like no one ever was *dum dum dum* and I don't think I will be able to achieve this with Conquest Maps.
    Conquest is one of the easiest type of Maps to forge, since you don't have to worry about the routes people take when playing or where to possition your power weapons or spawns. They were great to 'start' with and I love Conquest, but I don't want to be known as the Guy who made all these Conquest Maps.
    The next Map(s) you will see from me are for the Contest and I hope you guys like it as much as you did with my Conquest ones, thanks for the feedback.
  13. Arbr

    Arbr Ancient
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    Hello my name is Arbr, Im looking for good Maps for a Tournament witch at the end the person to win the Tournament will Win a 1600 MCP card. I was wondering if i could use your map in the Tournament. ITs a Realy good map :}
  14. forgenarb

    forgenarb Ancient

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    VERY VERY innovative design here, it is really adding a whole new level to the traditional conquest idea.
  15. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    First and foremost, I LOVE THe POkEMON Quote. Hahaha. I lol'd.
    EDIT: Not sure if you meant to be a pokemon quote. But if so, you win. If not. I need some therapy. Pokemon really gets to me.

    Secondly, The map is fantastic. The forging is spot on. But im sure you've already heard that from everyone who has seen this. I haven't been to forgehub in some 6 months. I haven't ever known you or seen your maps. Just looked at all of them and had a braingasm. You have some pretty solid talent. Please keep doing this. You really know whta you are doing.

    #15 Rho Fs, Jun 13, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2010
  16. LD

    LD Ancient
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    No, sorry, but I put so much work into this that I don't want you to win something with it and take the credit for it. Of cause you can take the layout and make your own version of it, of cause, but I don't want you to take the whole map as yours.
    But thats for asking me, and not just stealing it <3

    It is indeed, but I think I should get in therapy with you for thinking of that ..

    Thank you very wuch, great to awesome rant from you

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