Anyone have ideas/feedback for a game?!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Turkey bag56, Jun 1, 2010.

  1. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    I've started making a game (to get used to programming) and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for things I could add to make the game more fun. (Not to hard to program though! I'm not the greatest at that.... Yet!).
    The maze has a strange view (it jumps around a bit) and weird controls (The player moves the same way for each butter no matter where the views looking).

    To prove this isn't advertising:
    -I'm never selling the game
    -There is no way anyone can download it because it's not on the internet.

    Keep in mind that the real deal looks a lot better. I think the video sucks because of a few things...
    1) Running the Blender game engine and the program I used to record this at the same time.
    2) Me having know idea what the cluck I was doing.
    Look at the pictures to see what it's like without epic fail!
    Oh, and the ball rolls pretty good dam realistically (probably can't tell from the vid)

    Main menu

    Help menu


    Level 1
    This is just to get used to view and movement. The arrow is where you start.

    Mist is added in level 2 and now it's a maze!

    Level 3
    Jumps and objects are added in level 3


    Level 4
    Lasers and brick walls are added in level 4
    The red arrow shows how this lasers rotates.



    Level 5
    Shields and items you need to collect to win (before you just won at the end) are added in level 5.




    That's all I've got so far. Remember this is to get better at programming, that's why the models are so cheep :p
    #1 Turkey bag56, Jun 1, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2010
  2. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You need better graphics than those first two pictures :p
  3. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I know. I did them in like 2 mins on paint (epic fail) Well, graphics wasn't what I was aiming from in this but when I'm done I might add more detail to everything.
  4. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Two things, can we see a video, to see how it works, because without and just screenshots, it's not a mechanic, and it's just a layout design, I'd like to see how you've programmed the movement of the ball, to react with the other objects.
    Also, what program(s) have you used?
  5. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I fail horribly when it comes to other things on the computer/internet so I'm not the greatest at making videos but I'll just look it up on youtube! I'll put level 4 and 5 on if I can because they'll show all the stuff and aren't as boring as the first 3 levels.
    I'm using blender and python scripting. I just like blender :p
    Edit: could anyone help me with this?
    #5 Turkey bag56, Jun 2, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2010
  6. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    I've barely scratched the surface of blender, I'm more experienced with Unreal Development Kit and Actionscript CS3, 4, & 5 myself, although I should be getting codes for visual basic and the like within the next month courtesy of my ICT teacher. And a new computer tomorrow.

    Anyway, your progress looks good, I am rather impressed, and regrettably apologize for doubting your abilities to this at an earlier date. However, after that thread, you responded correctly by simply getting to work, to prove me otherwise, I hope to possibly working on something of a similar nature with you in the future.

    If you ever need support, or advice on anything like this, do VM me.
    Keep up the work!
    Oh, and for capturing, you could just use FRAPS for something like this, it's free.
    From what I can tell though, it's good that you have physical properties on some rendered objects, and it looks like things react with each other? Anyway, the best way to show what you've done is with video.
    #6 Camel Carcass, Jun 2, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2010
  7. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Added the greatest epic fail of a video the word has ever seen!
    The bit at the end is me trying to stop recording :p

    Thanks, I'm working up to my goal (the fps). I've got a good 15-20 years to work on the storyline so it should be epic by the time I've got enough people and the skills to make it!
    #7 Turkey bag56, Jun 3, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2010
  8. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Just so you know, I've downloaded blender. I'll get myself familiarised with it, then I might be able to help you get your meshes and stuff into UDK or something, if you need help with it.

    Anyway, I look forward to it. Good luck with your project.
    Blender is a little strange :/
    I'm more accustomed with Maya, and I only use that in school.

    And I'm not downloading THAT at home.
    It's like, $4,000.
  9. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    Blender is strange but when you get used to it you can do anything any other program can do (might take longer) and the best bit is you can use blender on any computer!

    After I finish my maze I'm going to make a game similar to Bloons (it will be army though) you could help with that if you wanted. I already have a working AI for it so it will be a lot easier to add new ones since I have a reasonable idea of how to program them now.
    #9 Turkey bag56, Jun 6, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2010

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