What maps are you guys thinking of remaking? Personally I'm going to stick with Modern Warfare II as it's the only game I really play on the list. The only maps I think will even fit the object limit are: Scrapyard, Rust, and possibly Highrise but i doubt it. So I will probably end up doing Scrapyard. What about you guys?? :happy:
Unreal Tournament will give you the best quality in maps. And if you can pull off a direct remake, that's aesthetically the same, and is playable you get bonus points. If you pull from UT it may actually have good gameplay.
Yeah agreed there. Or quake live if your computor can handle it. Other than that it will be really hard to remake most of those maps and have them playable because of the issues with the games. So i'm goin with quake and I reccomend if you don't have UT you download quake and at least look at it.
Quake live is your best bet. And I certainly hope your computer can handle it, it came out in 1999...
I was debating Allfathers Garden from GoW2, but I don't know if I can be bothered to enter, especially with exams looming.
lol my computor is even older... a 1999 acer... I had to 'borrow' my friends laptop to get it. And actually i changed my mind. I was playing a game with one of my friends and noticed a map that suspiciously had the EXACT deminsions of the crypt.... I think i just saved myself DAYS. Wanna know what it is? try this; 12.5sec x 6.9sec.
Of course, I'll start working on that again in after the contest. But I have a map to finish even before that which I'm co-forging with Vorp, so the Sword Base remake won't be around for a long time yet.
I dont know it well enough, nor do I still own the game, but Id love to see a remake of either Underpass or Terminal from MW2. I think they'd work with Halo's settings.
I would like to see terminal and highrise is definitely possible jfox. But like Mick said if you're strapped for ideas quake live is where it's at.
Yeah I thought about Terminal and it would be amazing if the plane could be remade. The only reason I aren't doing it is because I would be tempted to roof the entire indoor part and that would be impossible. Maybe I'll attempt it after the contest but for now I've decided on Sub Base with some slight changes.
Favela? =) (waaaay too big.... just a joke) I'd like to remake Bailout but it may too big for me to do, and please dont make scrapyard... I doubt it would play well at all.
Try and find a budget-glitched OLN canvas thats how to get the most objects out of sandbox. I doubt it would be enough for Terminal though.
Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details short bizzle's budge glitch version of mine and shadow viper's ghost merge canvas. For a ghost merge canvas you just need to restart the round and everything is ready to be ghosted. If you spawn all of one item you will not be able to delete the no/never item. However if you spawned say all double blocks and then deleted one you could delete the no/never block. However be careful of this when using budget glitch as deleting an item late in your map build could cause you to not be able to respawn it.
COD4 the bog and Rainbow 6s Killhouse V3 with a cool Terrorist hunt gametype to go with.I was going to do scrapyard but i dont think ill have time.
I've been considering doing some kill house maps, but i dont know how well gameplay would work, I must look again.