Banshee Potter

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Scottash, May 31, 2010.

  1. Scottash

    Scottash Ancient
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    Banshee Potter is an upcoming minigame which builds on concepts from the original Harry Potter games. Those that have played them might remember the Quidditch training where you had to fly between rings and then fly between them in the actual Quidditch game to get closer to the Snitch. Banshee Potter expands on this by not only adding enemies to fly against, but enemies on the ground who'll try to knock you off your broom as well.



    The map itself is based off the Hogwarts Courtyard. There are four sides (one for each house) where each team spawns on the ramparts which are two blocks above the central courtyard. Each house has a banshee which spawns on an overhang jutting out from the ramparts. Each side also has a tower in each corner which gives the people in it a height advantage and enables them to see further. Underneath the ramparts around the courtyard are corridors which contain equipment, but more on that later. There are also teleporters in the corridors which teleport you to the rampart directly above where you entered the teleporter. Finally, in the centre of the map are two overlapping Gold circles which contain the main VIP destinations in them.


    The gametype is VIP where the VIPs are the only ones who can fly the banshees. They'll be the houses' "heroes" (Harry Potter, Malfoy, whatever) which the other members of the team will have to help. The game can support 2-4 teams.

    VIP Role

    VIPs will have very high damage resistance and do no damage. There will be numerous VIP destinations (which will serve as the aforementioned rings) dotted about the Skybubble which the VIPs will have to race too. As the VIPs can do no damage they cannot take life off other flying opponents or those on the ramparts (unless they splatter them). Reaching a VIP destination will grant the VIP's team 1 point.

    Team Role

    Other members of the team will do little damage and will spawn with Spartan Lasers (to cast "expeliarmus") and Plasma Pistols. They will have to fight members of other teams in order to distract them from injuring their VIP, as well as try to kill the VIPs from other teams. It will take around 7 direct hits from Spartan Lasers, or one direct hit from a plasma pistol, disabling the Banshee, while the VIP is flying over the death barrier to kill them. 2 Points are awarded for killing the VIP of another team. In the corridors underneath the ramparts are various pieces of equipment (such as Deployable Covers, Power Drains, Flares, etc.) which are "temporary charms" which students can learn should they discover them, or fight others to obtain them.


    VIPs have to fly to destinations to score whilst their team on the ramparts defends them from other players and tries to shoot down enemy banshees as well.

    Due to the pictures on playing up I'm afraid I can't post actual pictures of the map, but I'll try to get them up as soon as I can.
  2. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    Wow..... this sounds awesome. Im guessing the forging is gonna be great considering how awesome Bat Attack is. Also, it sounds like you really have the gametype thought out. One thing though, with four 3 'students' in the stands or whatever trying to kill the banshees, it seems they could kill them rather fast. probably within 15-20 seconds they could take down a banshee, that is if everyone is shooting at the same guy, but still.... IDK i guess thats what testing is for :p
  3. Roland

    Roland Forerunner

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    I like the concept, i hope it works out.
  4. Scottash

    Scottash Ancient
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    Yeah, I still haven't got round to testing it. Have to finish the map first lol. I'm thinking of either making the VIP's health recharge very quickly or give the VIPs shield vampirism which would involve giving them very minimal damage (say about 10%) but have shield drain on max. I also need to see how concentrated the fire is on each banshee depending on how many other banshees are in the air and how many people are shooting them rather than one another at any one time, as you've said. So I may potentially have to release several gametype variants depending on the number of teams/ players per team.


    On second thoughts, does anybody know if you can give traits through destination points. So say when a VIP passes through the point they regain all of their health? That would give an added incentive to try and beat the others to the destination, not only to score points but to survive longer.
    #4 Scottash, May 31, 2010
    Last edited: May 31, 2010
  5. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    Umm... i think thats possible, in fact im almost certain. And yess that would really help out.

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