The fact that anyone would even brag about their k/d or think it matters in a game like mw2 amazes me.
We were playing this guy yesterday for like 5 games in a row in domination. He went positive in most of the games but lost every one of them badly and he still bragged about his k/d ratio. I'm so glad bungie does a good job of hiding stats like that so idiots don't flaunt it all the time. Sure your kd might be positive but that doesn't mean **** when you lose every one.
Hey I have fun And I think it's somehow come closer to 0.8, even though I run directly past enemies if there's some kind of prize to be had
I think its good having a a excellent K/D. But people who brag about there K/D are probably generic douchebags
I guess im a generic douchebag because I got a K/D of 1.96 and rising biotch! I also got a W/L of 2.08, also rising! I've found a new favorite weapon, the Tar-21. Just like the M1014, i never used the Tar-21 before, and I was playing on Quarry and I ran out of ammo for my weapon. Luckily I killed someone before running short, they dropped a Tar-21, I picked it up and dominated! Its quite easy getting multi kills with it because It puts down enemies so quick. So now the Tar-21 is gonna be another weapon thats going in my 5 star weapons list. On another note, Has anyone played a modded game where there is a nuke countdown of like 1000 hours and its like impossible to kill anyone unless you knifed, nubetubed, or used default classes, and like all care-packages are nukes and AC-130s?
I love kids who dashboard to keep good k/d's. I have no problem with try-hards, seeing as I'm one some of the time, but I don't like people bragging about a little number in a virtual world.
The TAR is the way forward. Very underused, brilliant silenced, I swear it has a damage boost when silenced for whatever reason. Has rather limited ammo, but it's not really an issue, you can always pick up enemy weapons. And scavenger or OMA is not worth sacrificing sleight of hand. --- I have a 0.47 W/L because I seem to back out of every other game. I have a 1.24 K/D because I'm incredibly impatient and don't camp.
I know right!? The stats my say it has low damage but the effectiveness of its killing power shouldn'tbe underestimated, it-is-a-great-gun! Its no wonder whenever I see a Tar, it has a silencer on it. Its very rare to see Tar, its even rarer to see it without a silencer. Besides everything else about the Tar-21, I like its iron sights. It has nice ghost ring iron sight. I tend to be more accurate with weapons that have ghost sights rather than open sights...
I love the sights myself as well, but everyone else seems to hate it. The only weapon I use without iron sights is the P90.
RDS, Holo and ACOG are a waste of an Attachment. I prefer using FMJ, a Silencer or ExMags instead, you already have Iron Sights on your weapon, so I don't get the point of having 'the same' Sights again, just with a colorful Red Dot.
Haha i played the multiplayer once with one of my friends who claimed to be pro and said that he was awesome cus he had five nukes. In my first and only game i had a 34 kill/1 death ratio AND a nuke ftw. He stopped bragging and now hes all like "wtf haxors..." -warning, flames- Spoiler Im just throwing this out there, but mw2 might be the most overrated game ever to come out. Its exactly like they took all the bad things out of all the past CoD games and blended it together, then made guns with funny names. Its like they took all of the things that made it take skill to play and decided "this is too hard omfg..." so they took them out. Its like a noob-tube had anal with the CoD5 multiplayer and a rhino. Its like they make it so that anybody can use any weapon because you get all the noob ones at the beginning. Its like they already had a game that took no skill to level up and they somehow made it even easier. ......Wait what was that third one?!?
Thats where your totally wrong my friend. Red dot and Acog are really great attachments. Holographic I can understand, Red dot does a better job. Iron sights and attachment sights are very different, and its actually more effective to have an attachment sight on your gun. Attachments like red dot improves accuracy over the use of the iron sights. It also allows for a clear view of your target. I personally would choose an attachment sight over iron sights anytime, especially if the weapon has an open iron sight.
I played a game with a 5 minute nuke timer, instant reload, and care package mods (nukes and chopper gunners). It's was fun, except the killfeed just read "Are you angry I'm on your screen? LOL"
Yeah, but how often do you get EMPed? Even if you are EMPed, you can still compensate for the loss of your red dot, just pretend the dot never disappeared, it works for me. Also, that gives ACOG scope an edge too, because its like nothing changed if you get EMPed using an Acog scope... At first it was, "WTF IS THIS! I can't kill anything!" But once you understand once going on, it becomes a lot more fun. I had about 500 kills and 136 deaths. I left with a lot of completed challenges. The only bad thing though, the nuke countdown can drive you to insanity! I though i would have become death after like 2 hours playing the match...
Ya, I agree with Shihuru. EMPs are very rare in all matches. People would rather go for a boring nuke then help their team out with an EMP. And yes, you can easily make up for the loss of a red dot by just using the center of the scope. If not, just switch to your secondary or switch to a different class. No big deal.