Sandbox Monopoly

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Dirt Jockey, May 28, 2010.

  1. Dirt Jockey

    Dirt Jockey Ancient

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    Original Layout


    Number Values


    Dice System

    Starting Area -Whoever picks up the Magnum first, rolls first (Respawns every 10 seconds)

    Go to Jail -There is a Teleport Sender Node just below the surface of the 'I' that sends you inside the Jail if you step on it.


    Jailhouse Facilities -Toilet & Water Fountain

    Free Parking


    Action Shot

    #1 Dirt Jockey, May 28, 2010
    Last edited: May 28, 2010
  2. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Oh wow, this looks incredible! You've recreated the Monoploy board so perfectly it's not even funny. You've got a download from me sir.

    P.S. All the letters you did on the map look amazing!
  3. Titanfugo

    Titanfugo Ancient

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    okay this looks amazing. you got everything exactly right.
    dl from me.

    although i do kind of hate the fact that people can still cheat but cant do much about that :p
  4. DIEabolical

    DIEabolical Ancient
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    Monopoly is an Epic game and you have recreated the game to fit halo perfectly. Honestly I would say this is some of your best forging I have ever seen Dirt. The board truly is a work of art and is as good as any forged monopoly game will get. I have played this allready a few times with friends and had to kik some cuz they liked to cheat or just be stupid. This game will forever be on my file share , Great work!
  5. LOL Master

    LOL Master Ancient
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    This is the one of the greatest ideas ever! There's good forging and all the little details are awesome except the only bad thing is that you need to be able to trust people to a huge amount in this. But otherwise its a great map!
  6. E inglourious 3

    E inglourious 3 Ancient
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    Do you know what works even better than trusting everyone? A full party of mics, and strong booting leadership ;).

    Dirt, the board is gorgeous. I can't decide if I like the go to jail, the jail, free parking, the start and go, or the perfectly spaced blocks the best!

    I do not know the canvas or the situation piece and budget-wise the map is, but it would be very possible to place a certain weapon whenever you "purchase" a property, but I do not know how people would keep track of money. Just a thought :D.
  7. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    You should've posted it earlier; I would have totally nominated for an FHF :)

    Anywho, this map is overall just great fun. It uses a very clever system of movement, using the blocks as dice and is fantastic for small parties.

    There's nothing I really dislike about this map to be honest, it's really just very fun and I recommend everyone to give it a dl.

    btw Dirt Jockey, you should center everything in your thread :p
  8. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Didn't you already post this? I swear I commented on it already. Regardless, I love this map, it's very very entertaining for small parties. The whole idea of monopoly, and then how you pulled it off it quite astounding. I remember saying in the game you showed me it in: "I can honestly say I never thought I'd be playing Monopoly in Halo."

    Every should download this beast. :)
  9. FrieMore

    FrieMore Ancient
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    Easily one of the most creative map concepts ever. The map itself is amazing and looks perfect. Who needs game boards when you can play halo monopoly.
  10. Dirt Jockey

    Dirt Jockey Ancient

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    Thanks for all the great feedback guys, Im glad everyone is enjoying this map!

    I actually considered that idea, but unfortunately I have reached the object limit of 175 and I have a budget of only $1. To best incorporate this concept I placed weapons on ONLY the railroads, for example there is a BR on B&O Railroad, and a Sniper on Short Line.
    I also toyed with the concept of money by placing a grenade on every property with no respawn, so when you buy a property (pick up a grenade) you can kill someone to receive 'credit' for this purchase.
    I experimented with EVERY single gametype to figure out which would best represent the original gameplay of Monopoly, I received alot of feedback and from what I gathered most people preferred to Win the game not by score or time or objective, but by simply landing on Boardwalk. So that is why I recommend you play this game in Forge Mode. But like I mentioned in the post, this map is compatible with EVERY gametype, for example; there are VIP objective points on each 'color' of property (Boardwalk and Park Place would be 1) so you can try a VIP race if you grow tired of a particular style of play.

    Ya this post does look funny on a widescreen, it was tailored for Full-screen
    #10 Dirt Jockey, May 29, 2010
    Last edited: May 29, 2010
  11. E inglourious 3

    E inglourious 3 Ancient
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    That makes sense. I figured you probably used all of your budget and pieces considering the merging and aesthetic detail. I have to try this out once I get back. I think it would be good to include exactly what each gametype entails for the game, even just a brief description, or some (more) action shots would be good for each gametype. Infection?
  12. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Great idea for a map. Qued for DL. I tried to DL the other day, but the active transfers are down or something. Again, I really like how you made the classic board game for Halo. Next time use an OLN canvas or OLN money glitch canvas. This way you won't have petty item and budget problems like you say. You can also money glitch a map at any time. You should have used an OLN canvas either way though. Again, I can't comment on the map because of DL problems. It looks fun and very creative. Nice work.
  13. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Hahaha this is pretty awesome! I love monopoly! This might be one of the most interesting things ive seen here in a while! I already downloaded this, and the aesthetics are amazing, especially the letters! Win =)
  14. Landon Dao

    Landon Dao Ancient
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    Who cares about trust? Heck, most people who play monopoly cheat anyways.
    On the side note, great forging and i like the dice. It's amazing. Nice way to incorporate a board game into halo.
  15. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Official Review Hub review:

    Our party of four had a pretty good time playing Monopoly, though eventually the novelty and gimmick began wearing off and it got a little boring. It’s definitely still fun, and very fresh and original, but since there’s no skill, it’s still a completely random game. I think the main problem with Monopoly is a lack of real rules, though it had some basic guidelines like snake eyes, some happened too much and we had trouble figuring out what to do at the beginning at the game. I’d like the author to offer a step-by-step guide as to how to play an ideal game, and then the fact that players can come up with their own rules. Some things, like amount of dice to roll, weren’t stated, so we just guessed at two. In the end, the game took too long to get to the winning point (Boardwalk), so we just ended it, but it was still an enjoyable game; the rules just needs some fleshing out. If players are playing this game, I strongly recommend they come up with some solid rules before beginning.


    It’s hard to grade this map on balance, as it is a completely random system. It seemed like there was too many rolls of 1 and 3, but that’s not something that could have been fixed.


    While Monopoly really leaves open room to make up your own rules, and that’s great, it’s incredibly easy to break the game. You can’t watch everyone, and you can just run forwards by yourself or otherwise mess with the game. While I understand it’s probably impossible to force the game without honor rules, a better and more rigid system, even if you say that it’s optional, would have been a good move. You can’t escape the map…technically. You can just walk around, kill each other, or otherwise screw around, though. The spawn system can be exploited, but it’s not a big deal, as this is all based on honor rules. All in all, the one major problem with durability was really just the occasional failure with the dice system. Sometimes it was difficult to read the dice before they would disappear, sometimes the dice wouldn’t spawn on the fusion coil and just fall down, sometimes they would go flying out of the playing area, and sometimes the dice wouldn’t despawn and we had to sit waiting for a while.


    Monopoly has a weird mix of beautiful aesthetics and seemingly random placings. The dice roll system is…fairly bare, as are most of the board locations. However, there are some really cool areas, like the “Go” area, the start area, and the jail that have really nice aesthetics. More of a theme also could do this map well.



    Monopoly is probably one of the most original minigames I’ve played in a long time. It has several really cool ideas, most notably the dice rolling system, where you shoot a fusion coil that knocks over a box that will “roll” around randomly, before coming to a value. It’s completely different than nearly every other map I’ve ever seen before, and it’s really nifty and great. A completely fresh map in terms of originality.


    I would add some real rules and work on your dice roll system a bit. This map is really original and I hope to see more from you!

    Final score: 36/50
  16. Dirt Jockey

    Dirt Jockey Ancient

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    Yes, this is true.
    This is one of the main reasons why I recommend this map be played in Forge Mode, because in the event the Dice choose not to respawn, you can remember where you left off and start a new round.

    Believe me I tried EVERYTHING to fix this, (Run time minimums, Run time Maximums, Respawns, Place at start, EVERYTHING, and it NEVER seems to be consistent)I have come to the painful realization that FORGE HAS BUGS.

    I just wanted to explain that in my defense, it wasnt something I overlooked.

    Besides that, I agree with everything you said. I really appreciate the time you took to play my map and I am flattered you chose to write such a thoughtful review.

    Thanks Insane for the great feedback.
  17. Sparky09

    Sparky09 Ancient

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    I originally played this game with a friend, a nice fun classic game of 1v1 Monopoly, and it was great. His turn, my turn, the game went smooth, and fun. After I broke the two player limit, the game felt very tiring. My turn was slowed down extremely, and it just took forever, that we ended up ending the game. My biggest problem, although as you've stated that it is impossible to fix, is the blocks not respawning. In the four player game, this was a huge bug, and made it impossible to play. I didn't play the game in Forge, but added my own setting to King of the Hill, in which it was (what I believe) hopefully better then forge.

    My point is, I did enjoy this game. But the game gets far longer once you pass the two player limit. I figured it very uninjoyable, and felt as though the game would never end.

    Of course there is nothing you can do, it is the gameplay and the way it flows. But from my personal experience, I believe this game is meant to be 2, maybe 3 players at max. No more, and very original idea with that said.
  18. Dirt Jockey

    Dirt Jockey Ancient

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    I completely agree. Although I originally intended Monopoly to host up to 8 people, I learned quickly the more people involved the faster gameplay deteriorates. Im really glad you brought that up Sparky, because the last thing I want to do is disappoint people, like you said 2-3 is optimal. Thanks for playing my map and for leaving a great comment.
  19. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Yeah, I finally got around to checking out the map now that the DLs are working again. I do see what problems other people are saying about the dice. I would have to take a closer look at the run time settings to understand if it could be improved. I did notice that the fusion coils spawn at different intervals. I am not sure if you intended this. Maybe the fusion coils should spawn at 10 or 20 or something. That way you could place them in a different configuration. In stead of using them as a base for the dice, they could be off to the side or something.

    I think the game would be a lot more fun if there was somehow an actual game variant for the map. I was thinking that maybe there could be territories on the board. They would be neutral so any color could claim them. Sort of like buying a property. The trouble is, I think you could only have 8 or 12 on a map at one time. I am not sure.. If that's the case you could just put them in arbitrary places. Sort of the luck of the draw. The person with the most flags would win the game or something. If someone landed on their property, they could score a free kill or something. Maybe you could use power ups as money or markers? I don't get the whole portal thing. Maybe you should take the portals out of the map. They just seemed to make the board more confusing.

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