Numerus Unum Trailer

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Le Hefe, May 29, 2010.

  1. Le Hefe

    Le Hefe Ancient
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    This is a montage I've been working on. It's my first one, but surely not my first video using a montage style (I work on a lot of FMX Films). Working with a video game entitles you to more special effects you can add. There aren't many in this trailer, but the final project is chocked full of em! Hope you enjoy it.

    As for Gerade Oben, for those of you who know what that is, I am continuing my work on that. I should have that map done by the time Numerus Unum releases. Until then, just be patient!

    YouTube - Maggot Productions: Numerus Unum: Trailer
  2. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Please, capture in a higher quality when you do the actual montage. And don't stretch everything horizontally. It looks bad.
  3. Le Hefe

    Le Hefe Ancient
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    Lol, yeah sorry I don't have a f**king Blackmagic card. Live with it. 4:3 looks a helluva lot worse than 16:9, which you should already know. Or just don't watch in full screen, there are millions of options to do... but I guess criticism on something as minute as a 50 dollar capture card's quality, because I don't have 175 bucks for a Happauge or 200 bucks for a Blackmagic, rather than the editing itself was the best option. If you don't like it, just don't comment about it then. Give me criticism I can use, please.

    P.S. Yes, the quality is the same in the final project. But that doesn't mean you have to watch it, yes I will post it here along with a race track with a track element that is rarely, if ever seen. If it weren't for the color corrections I gave the clips, then the quality unbearable. I know what I'm doing bro, I edit FMX films for almost a living! If I came off as a d**k, I apologize. It's just whenever I post anything on this site, people go, "Who the hell is this guy," or just flame the living crap out of me...get's kinda old.
    #3 Le Hefe, May 29, 2010
    Last edited: May 29, 2010
  4. LD

    LD Ancient
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    Hi, my name is LD, why don't you take your trailer and get the **** out if you can't accept critisism, thank you =)

    I don't think RSTs comment was mean, neither he told you to get a '****ing Blackmagic card', did he?

    Okey, I would suggest to get a better capture card, if you don't want to spend 200$ on a ****ing Blackmagic capture card, use Bungie or whatever you want to. If you continue to use your current card, do something that the scenes don't look so bad,
    Your editing is average, I liked some parts, but some just looked 'forced' "I need to edit something there, anything!"
    I haven't seen anything outstanding gameplay wise, most kills happen to most people in most games. I know it's just a trailer, but you should have something special in your trailer as well.

    After seeing your trailer I don't want to watch the final product.
  5. Le Hefe

    Le Hefe Ancient
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    Hi LD, I'm KGB. Thanks for the "gtfo" there, I'm sure that was totally necessary. You know what's f**ked up though? People would obviously know you around this site, so it I told you to gtfo then I would be banned.

    Anyway, like I said I made color corrections. And if you don't want to see the final project, then I honestly don't really care. I'm not putting people in a chair and waterboarding them until they watch my video. It's simply for fun, and to get my name out there. Also please understand that OF COURSE the editing is only average. I'm just getting into game editing, it's a new field for me. If you have any suggestions as to how I can get better quality then tell me, instead of just flat out saying the trailer and quality sucked.

    And I never said anything about someone telling me to get a new capture card. I simply apologized for the one I have right now, and that I don't have the money for a better one right now.
    #5 Le Hefe, May 29, 2010
    Last edited: May 29, 2010
  6. LD

    LD Ancient
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    Nice to meet you =)
    I don't think anybody would bann you for telling me that, they may know me, but they don't like me, it's not that I'm Sarge or someone ...

    I tried to help you as good as I could. If you don't want to get yourself a better card, I completly understand you, I wouldn't spend that much money on something like this too.

    I don't think that your capture card is the problem, but what you did with the material.
    You camera is very shaky, for example at 0:55. At some clips you forgott the reticle, if something like this happens in a Montage, I mostly trun them off immediately, don't let this happen in the final product.

    I don't want to flame you, neither with my first, nor with my second post.
  7. Scottash

    Scottash Ancient
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    For a first attempt this was pretty decent mate. Sure the capture card quality wasn't amazing, but it wasn't appauling either, I personally didn't have a problem with the video quality. I thought that the parts with the text looked very good, the choice of music was quite good but perhaps you could have synched the footage more in time with the music. The editing was alright, nothing blew my mind, but as you said it is your first montage and you're just getting into editing. Out of interest, what editing program are you using? The actual clips were quite good, the one where you riding the warthog holding the turret was my favourite :D Nothing spectacular in any of them, but I suspect you're keeping your best clips for the actual montage. All in all it was a good attempt, and don't think that what you post is any less important than what people who've been around a while have posted. It doesn't matter if you have 10 posts or 1,000 posts so long as what you post is good and you don't troll the forums you'll get the same amount of respect as anyone else would (except maybe for people with coloured names :L).
    #7 Scottash, May 29, 2010
    Last edited: May 29, 2010
  8. Le Hefe

    Le Hefe Ancient
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    Well, you definitely could have picked some better words. I'll post a clip of a short scene in the montage in a bit, and PM it to you. Trust me, I would not EVER put my best clips or my best edits on clips in a trailer. I want people to be surprised. In a way, I wanted comments like this, but these were overboard.
    I use Adobe After Effects, Premiere Pro, and Sounbooth. Sorry for the double post too mods!
  9. Scottash

    Scottash Ancient
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    Dayum, with those programs you should be able to make a SICK montage. I use Adobe After Effects and it's quite frankly amazing. Just make sure you don't rush it, experiment with the effects on AE and you should be able to produce something amazing :p
  10. Le Hefe

    Le Hefe Ancient
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    I am. It takes some time (and a lot of RAM, about 2/3 of mine!). I also forgot to mention Autodesk 3ds Studio Max. I'm using that for a scene in my next montage. I use to only do things with Video Copilot, but I can make my own shtuff now. I've been using AE for my FMX films. I've worked with the Crusty Demons already.
  11. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    Ok, like has been said before, the quality isn't great,in my opinion that does not wreck the trailer though. However; I am in no way hyped for the montage as everything I saw in the trailer I've seen before, I know that today it is hard to come by something which is completely new, but I think the clips that you have chosen, I think I've seen way too often in montages. Also, I do not like the variety of different editing techniques that you have chosen to use, I'd prefer it if you stuck with one style personally.

    Although I would not suggest that getting a better quality capture card is the first thing you should do, these two points posted by you un the same post appear to contradict eachother, I personally don't understand how you can make almost a living and not be able to afford something like this, but I live in the UK, and I'm not completely sure how much a living is where you are, and I do not know your circumstances, however; these two points do appear to contradict eachother at first.

    I'm sorry if I sounded like a ****, I am just trying to express my opinion in the best way I see possible.
  12. Le Hefe

    Le Hefe Ancient
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    Because I use that money for funding my FMX team. I bought all of my game related content of stuff from extra money. And I said almost a living, because I don't make enough money to do only that. Also like I said before, I'm not putting my best clips in a trailer.

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