
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by iTz Jaymz x, May 24, 2010.

  1. iTz Jaymz x

    iTz Jaymz x Forerunner

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    So here it is -- Freehang

    -- OVERVIEW --

    -- Starting Area + MEGA JUMP --

    -- Sprial Jump --

    -- Banked Jump --
    Hint: use the grav lifts ;)

    -- Small Supercross Jump + Banked Turns --

    -- Last Turn + destination (unseeable) --

    THERE WE GO :)

    Q: What inspired your creation?
    A: i wanted to make somthing Different, somthing new, somthing with a massive jump ;D

    Q:What Aspect took you the longest/how long did it take?
    A:If you look while racing it at the end of the track, at what angle it is, it took around an hour to get that to reconnect pretty much all the time =.=
    It took me, oh, around a month, in hours, around 40-45.... it was alot of dabbling, alot of small messing and re doing.

    Oh, while taking the big jump, LOOK UP!
    Link to map -- Freehang
    #1 iTz Jaymz x, May 24, 2010
    Last edited: May 24, 2010

    PILGRIM Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Some parts look insanely difficult to drive on.
    e.g on that final pick do you actually drive down those collums! and on the spiral jump i bet that lots of racers go straight off the edge. I'm all up for making tracks with less assistance but i'm not actively encouraging people to fall off.
  3. iTz Jaymz x

    iTz Jaymz x Forerunner

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    download it and see, don't comment untill you've played on it, i don't encourage people to fall off, it's fun and works well if you can drive with a little bit of knowledge ;)
  4. Le Hefe

    Le Hefe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I played it Jaymz. It was actually pretty fun. That other dude should just DL it, and then talk!
  5. Roland

    Roland Forerunner

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    I love this map, i consider myself to be a good mongoose so i like it to have jumps and sharper turn with NO SHEILD doors. nicely forged, very clean. I haven't gotten to play a game on it yet but i did drive it though like 5 times.

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