Okay so recently I have been thinking about how to make a dual objective gametype, and I thought about using a gametype with 2 objectives to do it (like 2 flag or assult). I came up with an idea I call Territory Flag. It is a combination of territories and 1 Flag. Heres How it Works Defenders start at an unreachable section of the map with the attacker flag they grab it and bring it into the map. This Flag is the territory. The settings would be set to flag must be home to capture so the attackers must capture the territory (return their flag) before they capture the enemy flag (like invasion). The catch is the defenders can move their territory to hold out better. The game/round is won when the attackers return their flag the capture the enemy flag. This multi objective gametype allows for multiple strategys for the attackers and defenders. More info about the idea will be added when i think of it in the mean time tell me what you think.
umm.... im having trouble visualizing how this works. Because the attackers can just get the other teams flag and hold it at their base and then wait for the flag to be reset. Or the defenders can just refuse to leave the initial area.
both of those problems are an easy fix. 1. set flag reset to disabled 2. You only get points for capture so attackers could just capture the flag.
If flag reset is disabled and the attackers cannot score unless the flag is at home, then the attackers cannot win. And for problem two, make it so that there is like a mancannon on the flag spawn so whoever picks it up gets propelled into the map. Problem two solved, but what about one?
I'm on halo right now and it can work timed reset is off however if you stand by the flag for 30 seconds it will reset.
Oh gotcha that makes sense. This sounds like it could be fun. I'm game to helping with this if you need any. Just lemme know.