Many people still play Halo 3 more than other games even after the accident of Modern Warfare 2. Lots of people play that game now instead of Halo 3. One of the reasons I think that Halo 3 still has so many players is because of the community, the forgers, the game creators, custom games, and websites all about Halo like ForgeHub or XForgery. Still the matchmaking is alright and the game connection to games works well but the customizable part of Halo 3 makes it so unique. My question for everyone is, if Halo: Reach had NO forge mode and NO ability to create a custom gametype (I'm sure it will though) would it be as big of a success as Halo 3, and if people would get bored of the matchmaking would they mostly play Halo 3 instead of Reach?
Its clear that Bungie would not be as dumb as that to not include forge and customs. They saw how big of a success it was halo 3, so leaving it out in Reach would just render that game similar to MW2. Saying that, if Reach didn't have forge or customs, people would definitely return to Halo 3 for those things.
Any such content removed from the Halo series would be a move advocated and stressed from the Microsoft people. If that were true, it'd probably be some sort of effort to stress more money to be made off of DLC. On that note, any type of content removed from the Halo 3 to Halo Reach transition would automatically null my interest for the game. Custom Games and Forge pretty much perks my interest due to the fact that it gives the game more flexibility and creativity to the gamers playing it. Even though I know for a fact that it'd never happen, I would think lots of people would go back to playing Halo 3, just as players on Halo 2 never really assimilated into Halo 3. Tbh, there will always be traditionalists with everything, and someone always has a gripe with anything Bungie does. I would only assume that even if Reach had custom games and Forge that people would still play Halo 3 because it doesn't have loadouts and it has duel-wielding weapons.
useless thread is useless ... Forge in Reach has been confirmed so many times that even I know it and I don't really care until there are 'real' informations. The abilty to create custom Gametypes is included in Halo since Halo CE. MW2 has Custom Games too ...
He's saying if not there is none so I wouldn't entirely label this as useless.... I could see people playing it for the matchmaking, but they would probably sell the game in a flash to get BlackOps. Most of the people who play Halo 3 now just forge or goof off in customs, so if Reach absolutely did not have those, many of these people would revert to Halo 3. *Hoping I contributed in some way to the discussion*
I, honestly, think within 2 months of reach being out we will go back to halo 3 for customs. Reach for matchmaking. I doubt the maps will be good for stuff like Junky Juke (anything with a mongoose really).
If Bungie didn't include forge or custom games in Reach I would seriously not buy it! The main reason I bought Halo 3 was because there was a map editor ( I basically buy any good game with a decent-ish map editor).
Honestly if Bungie removed anything from Reach there people would be pissed. And there is no way they would ever consider removing forge, Halo 3 was a huge success partially because of all the ability to modify the environment. They also saw an opportunity to make a **** load of money with foundry and sandbox. Reach will probably start with the simple forging capabilities, place these objects, and these weapons. I doubt they will start with a fully forge capable map right away, they would put in a map pack DLC or they may create their own forge DLC. I do wonder if Bungie will remove any glitches we have used in the past. Will they patch ghost merging? Or will they make it easier to merge items into the set geometry of the map?
Bungie has already said that forge will be in Halo: Reach too many times to count, but since you are asking as if though forge isn't in Reach, then I'd say yes, people would still play Halo 3. As soon as you beat the Halo: ODST campaign, you went straight back to Halo 3 for forge, right?
Here's the thing though, Halo 3: ODST had a flimsy campaign, no multiplayer, and was basically just a rehash of Halo 3, which is why they called it Halo 3: ODST. Halo: Reach, on the other hand, is a full fledged game. It will have a strong campaign, a good multiplayer, forge mode and (hopefully) a firefight mode with online capabilities. I personally cannot understand what would possess you to even compare those two games.
No it would be a failure half the people i know hate the online for halo, custom games is the only reason they play it. I would for sure not be buying reach if there is no custom games. >:|
Not to sound rude, but if people hate the online for Halo, they hate online custom games. If you are referring to matchmaking, that would be totally different. Well there will be custom games, they announced that. But forge is on the hush-hush. But seriously, why would they discontinue one of their moneymaking features. Half the reason people bought ODST was so they could play all the maps(which doesn't exactly mean for forge.) Though think about it, the only reason noobs play Halo 3 today is because of forge(not saying forgers are noobs, that would hurt my feelings. D But custom games is half the population of Halo 3.