Habitat Beta

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Weremidget, Apr 26, 2008.

  1. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Habitat Beta Version 1

    In the wake of Alpha Facility's success, a brutal Beta was architected to further the skills of the UNSC elite. 2 - 6 players.


    *The Bungie.net thread was written by Mason Cain who is hosting the map on his File Share for extra downloads. There’s a tonne of extra Screenshots and info there done by him.

    Some of you… Very few of you… In fact, I doubt any of you remember playing Habitat Alpha. It was the first full Competitive Map I made in Foundry, it was published in early January. After its release, Forging techniques like Interlocking were discovered and I made many more maps using the experience I gained from Alpha and the new techniques I was learning. However, the layout of Habitat Alpha to this day remains a favourite of mine, and of many people that have played my maps. So, I decided to remake Habitat Alpha using new techniques and the benefit of more experience to create a better map. Enter: Habitat Beta.

    I finished this map just in time to enter it in a Map Competition run at GameFAQs by Mason Cain, the guy with the Heroic DLC Canvases in the Favourites. The first place prize of the contest was a slot for a month in his File Share. I am pleased to say that I won the competition, narrowly beating maps like Metronome to take first. If you do somehow remember Habitat Alpha, and you liked it at all, do not hesitate to download this map. It retains the feel of the original with the smoothness and balance of any of my new maps and a lot of Geometry changes, enough to make it as much a ‘reimagination’ as a remake.

    Habitat Beta has Rotational Symmetry (apparently that’s the fancy term) and is basically a squarish ‘S’ shape. Two bases are directly opposite each other at either end of the S, and from each (facing the other) you move to your right to the Dumpster room and Objective Spawn area. Adjoined to here is the Machine Gun alleyway which looks straight into the main section of the map that fills in between the bases. This has been changed the most since Habitat Beta to more evenly spread the battles and show slightly more creative Forging than ‘a couple boxes with stairs’. Two platforms fill the corners of the rectangular middle-section and skirt the outer walls. These are the slower, covered routes through the middle. Alternatively, you can weave through the middle with limited cover. My description sucks, I’m afraid to say, so hopefully the screenshots that you’ve already skipped to will do the layout some justice.

    The map’s biggest flaw is its escapability. I did not use the Budget Glitched Foundry, as before now I’ve never needed to on an enclosed map. I got the geometry done and I had about $70 of budget left to spend on Weapons, Equipment and any scenery I wanted to add. If I bought any of that stuff, I couldn’t afford to escape-proof the map. I decided I’d rather have weapons on the map than bridges around the top. I deeply regret this flaw, and apologise to anyone that wishes to play the map competitively. If this deters you completely from downloading, I will understand.

    6x Battle Rifles [1 Spare Clip, 45 Second Respawn]
    2x Plasma Rifles [60 Second Respawn]
    2x SMGs [1 Spare Clip, 60 Second Respawn]
    2x Shotguns [0 Spare Clips, 150 Second Respawn]
    2x Sniper Rifles [1 Spare Clip, 180 Second Respawn]

    8x Plasma Grenades [30 Second Respawn]

    1x Power Drain [120 Second Respawn]
    1x Bubble Shield [120 Second Respawn]


    A view of the attacking Starting Point and fallback spawn point, AKA Base A.

    The ‘Dumpster Room’ of Base B, on the Fence Wall platform above the Dumpster is the Sniper Rifle spawn.

    A look over the centre alleyway from one of the platforms by a Shotgun spawn.

    A view back to the platform. A shotgun can be seen next to the upper Fusion Coil.

    My Other Maps:

    - Habitat Alpha
    - Memento
    - Monolith
    - Ensanguination


    If you could, ratings and comments on the Bungie.net thread are hugely appreciated!

    Thank you for taking an interest in my map. Good day, and Happy Forging.
  2. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
    Senior Member

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    this map is very fun to play i definitely advise a d/l of this very nicely thought out and symmetrical i believe
  3. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    THis looks great
    Really good interlocking
  4. Fly

    Fly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice pics - I hope you have more to come!
  5. Dynamic Echo

    Dynamic Echo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks good, I'll give it a try.
  6. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Err, more pics? How many do I need? There's a few more in the Bungie.net thread but I suppose you'll want them embedded here.
    #6 Weremidget, Apr 26, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2008
  7. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh, I remember you. You made the Habitat Alpha and that Outskirts remake. I still have those on my HDD. You're probably one of the first people here that inspired me to start map making well. So you can be sure that I'd dl this too.
  8. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Midget! You didn't mention this, it looks fantastic, even with it's escape-ability. Habitat Alpha was a pretty good map on it's own, so this expansion looks sound to be pretty good.

    On a side note, when are you going to get around fixing your NAT? I finished the map, I wanna play a few rounds with you.
    Iv0rY Snak3 likes this.
  9. darkmuse19

    darkmuse19 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks like a very fun and competitive map with the exception of the ways out which you have already stated. weapons seem balanced. interlocking looks good. great job weremidget
  10. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    great job, awsoem interlocking,
  11. Mason Cain

    Mason Cain Ancient
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    Habitat Beta is well worth the DL. I am sure the standard at Forgehub is pretty high anyways, so who knows how much weight this carries, but it also won the first Map Competition hosted over at GameFAQs, and is proving pretty popular on the actual bungie.net site.
  12. JuicyTheKing

    JuicyTheKing Ancient
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    This level is really expertly crafted. The design is awesome, and really well thought out, and the weapon placement is well balanced. Its a real shame that the top isn't sealed in because that will keep this from competitive play, but I will still be using this map. Awesome map, and thanks for the shout about Metronome, Vicious and I (mostly vicious) put a ton of work into the map. People need to check habitat out!
  13. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    The great thing about Weremidget's maps- they're always so smooth and.... perfect. You really can't go wrong with any of his maps. This one is actually a remake of Habitat Alpha- I don't think he knew how to interlock on that one and decided to redo it. Brilliant.

    One thing though, aren't you going to give us a link to the contest you won? I'd love to see it.

    BTW- please do check out Meremidget's other map:Monolith. Its a great map. I highly recommend it.
  14. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Thanks for all the feedback guys, this has really taken off at Bungie.net and I owe most of the thanks for that to Mason Cain.

    The original GameFAQs thread for the map competition is here and the announcement thread is here for anyone interested.
    #14 Weremidget, Apr 28, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2008
  15. vampireB34N

    vampireB34N Ancient
    Senior Member

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    omg, the weapons are so.....BALANCED! and the interlocking is sweet, i d/led this and because of playing everyone downloaded it from mason cain(map hoster) right away, nice job weremidget 5/5
    PS:im a midget too =]
  16. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks nice and clean .Nice interlocking.Ill download it and tell u what i think.but in the mean time ill just say it looks cool now lets see if it plays cool
  17. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments guys, what else might you have thought of changing apart from the escapability?
  18. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    Those bridges that form the ramp would be better turned over, but still, great work!
  19. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Yeah I wondered about that, I didn't think it would matter too much since the outer edges aren't walked on, but I guess I might as well have flipped them. Do those ridges on the edges of Bridges (heh, that almost sounds like a line from a rap song) actually have any physicality? Or is the reason people flip bridges because the aren't completely flat?
  20. CommanderA17

    CommanderA17 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ahh what the heck, I'll try it out.

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