Story : 2 years ago, 4 men where going to the Army against the "Elites", The plan was to plant the Bomb in the center of there base and kill them all. You will find out the ending *Series coming out of this* "Elites base " Over head Chopper *Attackers spawn* Attackers Base "Elites Amoury" Elites Base : Halo 3 File Details Edit: Im new to thisso don't get mad
Just wondering but did you merge anything? not trying to be mean here, but i really dont like it that much. you need to merge things and interlock so they are neat and fit together. this is kind of sloppy. i see you said your new so id advise going here Forging 101 before you continue the "series" trust me itll help a lot.
I agree with Titanfugo. You need more interlocking. I see some on the chopper and a little on the attacker's base. No offense, but the rest is a sloppy mess. The bases are also very unbalanced.
Theres lots of merging on the attackers side and also Titanfugo its even cause Defenders have lots of vehicles like hornets and tanks.
I would be proud of this map if I was a novice forger dude. Don't sweat it keep making stuff, preparation and don't rush is key. (Keep forging it's fun as hell.)
The only merging I see is on the "chopper." The attacker's side, as well as many other parts of the map, looks pretty sloppy. Also, the vehicles are definitely uneven. From what I can see, the attackers have two tanks, a hornet, a mongoose and a few warthogs; the defenders have a banshee, prowler, and maybe a ghost. Definitely not even. My suggestion: make the hornet a transport hornet, and get rid of the tanks. It would be so much better for gameplay.
Im online and also the Amoury Has some stuff to combat the Tanks and Hornets like Missle pods and to make stuff worse. in 3 minutes spawns a Bean rifle and Invis. and i just tested it if you wanna test it send me a Message P.S. Im online right now EDIT : I Have the Gametype if you wanna see test it out with me right now send me a Message on XBL GT : David xd2 --- Sorry for Spamming but i know How to Intolock and stuff and im Not new to halo 3 -_-